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Alma 43, 48–50: Learning from the War Chapters

“Alma 43, 48–50: Learning from the War Chapters,” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual (2024)

“Alma 43, 48–50,” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual

Alma 43, 48–50

Learning from the War Chapters

armored Nephites in a place of security

The last part of the book of Alma describes a time of contention and war. The strategies used by the Nephites in these wars can help us develop strategies we can use in our daily battles against Satan. This lesson can help you liken the scriptures to yourself to receive the Lord’s protection from the constant and increasing attacks of the adversary.

Help students find personal meaning in the scriptures. Encourage students to use various study skills to enhance their understanding of the scriptures. They could look for details in the storyline, make comparisons and connections between the scriptural accounts and their own lives, and determine how they will apply what they have learned.

Student preparation: Invite students to study Alma 43:18–21, 37–38, looking for lessons that could help them in their battle against Satan.

Possible Learning Activities

Recognizing the adversary

Consider displaying the following statement while students discuss their answers to the questions that follow it.

President Boyd K. Packer (1924–2015) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles warned:

You are growing up in enemy territory. … [The adversary] is in homes, entertainment, the media, language—everything around you. In most cases, his presence is undetected. (Boyd K. Packer, “How to Survive in Enemy Territory,” New Era, Apr. 2012, 2)

  • What thoughts or feelings do you have about this statement?

  • What examples can you think of that illustrate what President Packer was talking about?

Students should only think about their answers to the questions in the following paragraph, rather than answering aloud.

Reflect for a moment on how President Packer’s statement applies to you. What are some of the ways you notice Satan’s temptations influencing you or people you love? What efforts are you making to protect yourself from his attacks?

The wars between the Nephites and the Lamanites

The end of the book of Alma describes some of the wars that took place between the Nephites and the Lamanites. As you study these accounts, you can learn valuable lessons that can help you in your battle against Satan. For example, the purposes and tactics of the Lamanites can be compared to Satan’s purposes and tactics toward us.

Consider writing the following scripture references and names on the board. Above Alma 43:5–8, write Zerahemnah. Above Alma 46:3–5, 10, write Amalickiah. Students could be divided into groups and assigned to study one set of verses.

Read Alma 43:5–8; 46:3–5, 10, looking for what the Lamanites’ wicked leaders did that resembles Satan’s purposes and tactics.

Consider inviting a few volunteers to come to the board and write down purposes of and tactics used by the person they studied.

  • How were the purposes and tactics of these leaders like those of Satan?

Moroni with the title of liberty

The armies of the Nephites were led by a righteous man named Moroni.

Consider writing the following scripture reference on the board next to the previous references about Zerahemnah and Amalickiah. Write Moroni above the new reference.

Read Alma 48:11–13, 17, looking for Christlike attributes or characteristics of Moroni.

Invite a few volunteers to come to the board and write down characteristics of Moroni that remind them of the Savior.

  • What did you find?

Likening the scriptures to yourself

The comparisons you have made so far in the scriptures can prepare you to liken, or relate, other details from these accounts to your own life.

Display the following steps so students can refer to them throughout the lesson.

The following process can help you liken the scriptures to your life. Record these steps in your study journal.

  1. Find important details.

  2. Make comparisons to your life.

  3. Discover valuable lessons.

  4. Determine personal application.

Practice the scripture study skill of likening by using this process as you learn about one of the battles between the Nephites and the Lamanites.

The following is intended to guide students in likening the scriptures and to prepare them to do this on their own later in the lesson.

Step 1: Find important details

Read Alma 43:17–21, 37–39, 51–54, looking for important details. These details could include people, places, objects, or actions that are emphasized.

Ask students to share important details they found in these verses. These could be written on the board. If needed, help students identify the following important details.

Some details you may have noticed include Moroni protecting his armies with armor and thick clothing, the Lamanites wearing no protective armor, and the Nephites defeating the Lamanites despite being greatly outnumbered.

Step 2: Make comparisons to your life

Think of how the details you identified in the previous step could be compared to something spiritual or to situations in your life.

You might have compared the armor of the Nephites to the armor of God. You also may have compared the Nephites’ victory to overcoming Satan and his temptations.

Step 3: Discover valuable lessons

Think about what you learn from this account that could apply to you. You can also think about what you learn about the Savior.

Invite multiple students to share their responses to the following questions.

  • What are some lessons you learn from this battle between the Nephites and the Lamanites that could help you in your battles against Satan?

  • What does this account teach you about Jesus Christ?

One principle we can learn is that Jesus Christ offers us the protection we need in our fight against Satan.

Step 4: Determine personal application

Reflect on how you can apply the lessons you identified in the previous step.

  • What can you do to receive Jesus Christ’s protection against Satan?

Among the many ways to apply this truth, you might have thought of how the Savior’s protection is available through faithful actions such as prayer (see Doctrine and Covenants 10:5), scripture study (see 1 Nephi 15:24), or keeping the Lord’s commandments (see Mosiah 2:41).

Practice likening the scriptures again

The following is intended to help students use the skill of likening the scriptures on their own. If needed, assign students a partner or a group to work with. Display the following scriptures, and refer students to the four steps displayed earlier in the lesson so they can use them while studying.

Choose at least two of the following sets of verses, and, as you study, practice using the four-step process for likening the scriptures.

Give students an opportunity to share what they learned from their studies. You might also consider adding your own insights from these verses.

  • What important details did you identify from an account you studied?

  • What are some comparisons you made between those details and aspects of your life?

  • What is one or more lessons you learned from this account?

  • How can you apply these lessons to your life?