“Chapter 29: Alma Teaches about Faith and the Word of God,” Book of Mormon Stories (1997), 81 “Chapter 29,” Book of Mormon Stories, 81 Chapter 29 1:40Alma Teaches about Faith and the Word of God Alma taught the Zoramites about faith. He said those people who ask for a sign before they will believe do not have faith. Alma 32:17–18 Alma said faith is believing that something is true without actually seeing it. Alma 32:21 He explained that faith grows as a person wants to believe and listens to the word of God. The word is then planted in the person’s heart, and like a seed it starts to grow. Alma 32:27–28 As a person learns more about the gospel, the seed sprouts and keeps growing. The person knows that the seed is good, and his or her faith grows stronger. Alma 32:30 Alma said that just as a good seed produces good fruit, the word of God brings blessings to people who have faith. Alma 32:31, 41–43