
“appendix-record,” Book of Mormon Student Manual (2009), 408

“appendix-record,” Book of Mormon Student Manual, 408

Nephite Record Keepers


Prophet, leader, teacher, and initiator of Nephite record (1–2 Nephi)

Small plates of Nephi

Personal journals of prophecy and spiritual experiences

Large plates of Nephi

Social, political, military, and religious history

About 600 B.C.

Nephi, son of Lehi

Prophet and author of 1–2 Nephi

Kept by the kings

544 B.C.

Jacob, brother of Nephi

Prophet and author of book of Jacob

544–421 B.C.

Enos, son of Jacob

Prophet and author of book of Enos

420 B.C.

Jarom, son of Enos

Prophet and author of book of Jarom

361 B.C.

Omni, son of Jarom

Nephite warrior who wrote first 3 verses of book of Omni

279 B.C.

Amaron, son of Omni

Wrote 5 verses noting the Lord’s destruction of the wicked of his generation

279 B.C.

Chemish, brother of Amaron

Wrote only 1 verse

Abinadom, son of Chemish

Wrote only 2 verses


King who united the Nephites with the Mulekites

130 B.C.

Amaleki, son of Abinadom

Wrote 19 verses, bore fervent testimony of the Savior, and turned small plates of Nephi over to King Benjamin

Benjamin, son of Mosiah1

130 B.C.

Mosiah2, son of Benjamin

Last of the Nephite kings

191–124 B.C.

91–72 B.C.

Alma2, son of Alma1

Prophet and first chief judge

72–56 B.C.

Helaman1, son of Alma2

Prophet and military leader

Shiblon, son of Alma2

56–39 B.C.

Helaman2, son of Helaman1

39 B.C.A.D. 1

Nephi2, son of Helaman2

Contemporary with Samuel the Lamanite

A.D. 1–?

Nephi3, son of Nephi2

Chief Nephite disciple and Apostle of the resurrected Lord

A.D. ?–111

Nephi4, son of Nephi3

A.D. 111–194

Amos1, son of Nephi4

A.D. 194–306

Amos2, son of Amos1

A.D. 306–321

Ammaron, brother of Amos2

Hid plates in the hill Shim in A.D. 321

Commissioned 10-year-old Mormon to continue record upon turning 24 years of age

A.D. 345–385


Made an abridgment of Nephite plates

A.D. 385–421

Moroni, son of Mormon2

Completed the record of his father

Added his own writings

Abridged the Jaredite record (book of Ether)

Sealed the abridged records in the Hill Cumorah

The following indicate relationships:

▼ Father to son

▶ Brother to brother

○ Plates passed outside family relationships
