Chapter 56: Moroni 10

“Chapter 56: Moroni 10,” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual (2009), 204–6

“Chapter 56,” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual, 204–6

Chapter 56

Moroni 10


In Moroni’s final testimony, he exhorts us to pay attention to three principles. First, he writes about the importance of coming to know for ourselves the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. As you come to the end of this Book of Mormon course, you can help students reflect on their testimonies of the Book of Mormon. Have they prayed about the truthfulness of this sacred book? Have their testimonies grown?

Second, Moroni focuses on the pursuit of the spiritual gifts that Heavenly Father bestows upon His faithful children. As students study and discuss this principle, they will be able to see the variety and breadth of the spiritual gifts available to them.

Finally, Moroni exhorts us to “come unto Christ” so we might become “perfect in Christ” and “holy, without spot” (Moroni 10:32–33).

Some Doctrines and Principles

  • When we ask in faith, God manifests the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon to us by the power of the Holy Ghost (see Moroni 10:1–7).

  • The Lord gives spiritual gifts to the faithful (see Moroni 10:8–30).

  • The Atonement perfects us as we come unto Christ (see Moroni 10:30–33).

Suggestions for Teaching

Moroni 10:1–7. When We Ask in Faith, God Manifests the Truthfulness of the Book of Mormon to Us by the Power of the Holy Ghost

Explain that Moroni 10 contains Moroni’s final message. The first part of the message focuses on gaining a testimony of the Book of Mormon. Ask a student to read Moroni 10:3–5 or recite it from memory.

  • According to these verses, what is an individual’s role in seeking a testimony?

  • What does it mean to have a “sincere heart”? What does it mean to have “real intent”?

  • What is the role of the Holy Spirit in helping us receive a testimony?

  • What are some ways the Spirit may witness to us?

  • How might Moroni’s promise continue to apply to us, even after we already have a testimony of the Book of Mormon?

Share President Boyd K. Packer’s observations about how he gained a testimony of the Book of Mormon (see page 401 in the student manual; see also the companion DVD A).

  • What does Moroni 10:3–5 teach about gaining or strengthening a testimony?

  • According to President Packer, why may it be unwise to expect dramatic spiritual experiences when seeking a testimony?

  • President Packer taught, “If you nourish [a testimony], it will grow; and if you do not nourish it, it will wither” (in Conference Report, Apr. 2005, 7; or Ensign, May 2005, 8). What do you think it means to nourish a testimony? Why does a testimony wither if it is not nourished?

In order to further discuss how we can gain and strengthen a testimony through a study of the Book of Mormon, consider sharing the statement by Elder Bruce R. McConkie on pages 401–2 in the student manual and the statement by President Gordon B. Hinckley on page 402. The statement by Elder McConkie is also available on the companion DVD B.

Invite students to share what they have done to receive a testimony of the Book of Mormon.

Moroni 10:8–30. The Lord Gives Spiritual Gifts to the Faithful

Explain that in his final testimony, Moroni taught the importance of the gifts of the Spirit. Write the following scripture references on the board:

Moroni 10:9–18

D&C 46:13–25

1 Corinthians 12:8–11

Divide the class into three groups. Ask each group to study one of the scripture blocks listed on the board. Have each group identify the gifts of the Spirit listed in their scripture block. Assign a student from each group to write the group’s answers on the board.

  • What similarities do you see between the three lists? What differences do you see?

Explain that there are many more spiritual gifts than those mentioned in these chapters. Ask a student to read the statement by Elder Marvin J. Ashton on pages 402–3 in the student manual.

Invite students to tell about times when they have seen people benefit from any of these gifts.

You may want to point out that Moroni taught that spiritual gifts come to each person according to that person’s desires (see Moroni 10:17). Like all blessings, spiritual gifts also come according to the will of the Lord (see 3 Nephi 18:20; Moroni 7:33). The Lord revealed that we should seek these gifts earnestly (see D&C 46:8).

  • Why is it proper to seek gifts of the Spirit? What do you think we need to do in order to seek them?

Have students read Moroni 10:19–20, 24 and identify reasons why the gifts of the Spirit are sometimes taken from people.

If students have questions about the spiritual gifts the Lord may share with them, encourage them to read pages 402–3 in the student manual.

Moroni 10:30–33. The Atonement Perfects Us as We Come unto Christ

Write on the board One-time event and Lifelong process.

  • What does it mean to “come unto Christ”?

Direct students’ attention to the words you have written on the board, and invite students to ponder this question:

  • Is coming unto Christ a one-time event or a lifelong process?

Write the following names on the board (or write the names of other people in the Book of Mormon if you prefer):

  • Enos

  • King Benjamin’s people

  • Alma the Younger

  • King Lamoni

  • King Lamoni’s father

  • Zoramites

  • What one-time events helped each of these individuals or groups come unto Christ?

  • What evidence do you see that each of these individuals or groups also experienced a lifelong process of coming unto Christ?

Ask students to read Moroni 10:30, 32–33.

  • What did Moroni counsel us to do so that we may be “perfect in Christ”?

  • What phrases in verse 33 describe those who have been perfected in Christ? (Answers include “sanctified in Christ,” “remission of your sins,” and “holy, without spot.”)

  • How can we remember the spiritual events of our life that have led us to “come unto Christ, and be perfected in him”?

Invite students to share examples of how the Book of Mormon has helped them draw nearer to the Savior and seek to be “perfected in him.”

Moroni 10:27, 34. Moroni’s Final Testimony

Have students read Moroni 10:27, 34.

  • In what ways do Moroni’s words come as if he is speaking out of the dust?

Have students read 2 Nephi 3:18–20 and cross-reference it with Moroni 10:27.

  • If you wrote your testimony of the Book of Mormon to the people of our time, what would you say?

Encourage each student to write his or her testimony of the Book of Mormon in the back of the student manual or in a personal journal. You might also encourage students to bear testimony of the Book of Mormon during their next fast and testimony meeting. Finally, take this opportunity to share your own testimony of the Book of Mormon. Encourage students to make the study of the Book of Mormon a lifelong pursuit.
