undefined undefined Lesson 52: Mosiah 2
Seminaries and Institutes
Lesson 52: Mosiah 2

“Lesson 52: Mosiah 2,” Book of Mormon Videos: Seminary Teacher Instructions (English) (2019)

“Lesson 52: Mosiah 2,” Book of Mormon Videos: Seminary Teacher Instructions (English)

Book of Mormon Videos

Lesson 52: Mosiah 2

Prayerfully consider how the Book of Mormon Videos might help your students identify, understand, feel the truth and importance of, and apply the doctrine and principles taught in the Book of Mormon. Each suggested video is a short segment within an entire episode. Use the start and stop timecode to show each clip within the episode.

“King Benjamin Addresses His People” (2:46)

King Benjamin teaches about being a profitable servant.

Start and Stop Timecode: 0:38–3:24

Using This Video

You could show this video segment when you arrive at the part of the lesson that states:

“Invite a student to read Mosiah 2:16–17 aloud. Ask the class to follow along, looking for what King Benjamin taught his people about service.”

Instead of inviting a student to read Mosiah 2:16–17, you might display this question from the lesson and ask students to look for the answer as they view the video.

“What principle did King Benjamin teach about service?”

After students watch the video, ask them to share their answers to the question. Then invite them to mark phrases in verses 16–17 that support their answers. Then continue with the lesson as outlined in the teacher material.

“King Benjamin Addresses His People” (0:54)

King Benjamin encourages his people to keep the commandments of God.

Start and Stop Timecode: 3:25–4:19

Using This Video

You could show this video segment when you arrive at the part of the lesson that states:

“Invite a few students to take turns reading aloud from Mosiah 2:23–25, 34.”

Instead of inviting several students to take turns reading aloud from Mosiah 2:23–25, 34, you could invite students to prepare to answer the following questions from the teacher material as they watch the video:

“Why might King Benjamin have referred to himself and his people as ‘unprofitable servants’?”

“What blessings have you received for which you feel indebted to God?”

“Why is it important to realize that we are ‘eternally indebted’ to God?”

After viewing the video, invite students to mark phrases from these verses that help them answer the questions above. Then continue with the lesson as outlined in the teacher material.