“Lesson 96: Alma 39,” Book of Mormon Videos: Seminary Teacher Instructions (English) (2019)
“Lesson 96: Alma 39,” Book of Mormon Videos: Seminary Teacher Instructions (English)
Book of Mormon Videos
Lesson 96: Alma 39
Prayerfully consider how the Book of Mormon Videos might help your students identify, understand, feel the truth and importance of, and apply the doctrine and principles taught in the Book of Mormon. Each suggested video is a short segment within an entire episode. Use the start and stop timecode to show each clip within the episode.
“Alma Admonishes His Son Corianton to Repent” (2:48)
Alma explains to his son Corianton the seriousness of sexual sin.
Start and Stop Timecode: 9:17–12:05
Using This Video
If time allows, you could show this video segment when you arrive near the end of the lesson where it states:
“Ask students to ponder their own experiences with repentance and forgiveness. Invite them to write in their class notebooks or study journals why they are grateful that Jesus Christ has ‘come to take away the sins of the world’ (Alma 39:15) and will forgive all who repent.”
Because this video segment does not include a complete depiction of all the verses covered in this lesson related to Alma’s counsel to Corianton in Alma 39, you may find it effective to show it near the end of the lesson. This could help students review what they have learned regarding repentance and forgiveness and help prepare them to write in their notebooks. Then proceed with the lesson as outlined in the teacher material.