Seminaries and Institutes
Lesson 74: Alma 8

“Lesson 74: Alma 8,” Book of Mormon Videos: Seminary Teacher Instructions (English) (2019)

“Lesson 74: Alma 8,” Book of Mormon Videos: Seminary Teacher Instructions (English)

Book of Mormon Videos

Lesson 74: Alma 8

Prayerfully consider how the Book of Mormon Videos might help your students identify, understand, feel the truth and importance of, and apply the doctrine and principles taught in the Book of Mormon. Each suggested video is a short segment within an entire episode. Use the start and stop timecode to show each clip within the episode.

“Alma and Amulek Are Delivered by the Power of God” (1:46)

Alma the Younger is commanded by an angel to return to Ammonihah.

Start and Stop Timecode: 0:36–2:22

Using This Video

You could show this video segment when you arrive at the part of the lesson that states:

“Invite a student to read Alma 8:15 aloud. Ask the class to follow along, looking for what the angel who appeared to Alma told him to do.”

“Invite a student to read Alma 8:16–17 aloud. Ask the class to follow along, looking for what the angel commanded Alma to do next.”

In place of having students read Alma 8:15 and Alma 8:16–17 aloud as the teacher material suggests, you might display these questions from the teacher material. Show this video segment, and invite students to look for the answers as they watch.

  • “What did the angel tell Alma to do?”

  • “What reason did Alma have to rejoice?”

  • “What did the angel command Alma to do?”

  • “Why might it have been difficult for Alma to be obedient in this situation?”

After showing the video segment, invite students to discuss their answers to the questions. As they share, encourage them to mark in Alma 8:15–17 phrases that help them answer the questions. Then proceed with the lesson as outlined in the teacher material.

“Alma and Amulek Are Delivered by the Power of God” (1:07)

Alma the Younger finds Amulek and ministers to his family.

Start and Stop Timecode: 2:23–3:30

Using This Video

You could show this video segment when you arrive at the part of the lesson that states:

“Divide the class into groups of three, and explain that they will read Alma 8:19–26 aloud in their groups. Ask one student to read the words of Alma, a second student the words of Amulek, and a third student the words that tell the story. As they read, invite students to consider how they might complete the statement on the board to form a principle.”

Instead of having the students read and tell these parts of the story, you could show this video segment. Invite students to consider how they might complete the statement on the board to form a principle as they watch. After showing the video segment, ask students to share how they completed the statement. As they share their statements, encourage students to mark phrases in Alma 8:19–26 that helped them form a principle. Then proceed with the lesson as outlined in the teacher material.
