Seminaries and Institutes
Lesson 76: Alma 11

“Lesson 76: Alma 11,” Book of Mormon Videos: Seminary Teacher Instructions (English) (2019)

“Lesson 76: Alma 11,” Book of Mormon Videos: Seminary Teacher Instructions (English)

Book of Mormon Videos

Lesson 76: Alma 11

Prayerfully consider how the Book of Mormon Videos might help your students identify, understand, feel the truth and importance of, and apply the doctrine and principles taught in the Book of Mormon. Each suggested video is a short segment within an entire episode. Use the start and stop timecode to show each clip within the episode.

“Alma and Amulek Are Delivered by the Power of God” (0:35)

Zeezrom tries to persuade Amulek to deny the existence of a Supreme Being.

Start and Stop Timecode: 7:59–8:34

Using This Video

You could show this video segment when you arrive at the part of the lesson that states:

“Invite a student to read Alma 11:21–22 aloud. Ask the class to follow along, looking for what Zeezrom offered Amulek, and for what reason.”

Instead of inviting a student to read, you might display these questions from the teacher material:

  • “What did Zeezrom try to persuade Amulek to do?”

  • “What did Zeezrom offer Amulek if he would ‘deny the existence of a Supreme Being’?”

Invite students to watch this portion of the episode, looking for the answers to the displayed questions. After showing the video, ask students to share their answers to the questions. As they share, encourage students to mark in Alma 11:21–22 the answers to the questions. Then proceed with the lesson as outlined in the teacher material.

“Alma and Amulek Are Delivered by the Power of God” (0:33)

Zeezrom tries to twist Amulek’s words.

Start and Stop Timecode: 9:13–9:46

Using This Video

You could show this video segment when you arrive at the part of the lesson that states:

“Invite two students to come to the front of the class. Ask them to take turns reading aloud from Alma 11:26–35, with one student reading the verses that record Zeezrom’s words and the other student reading the verses that contain Amulek’s words.”

Instead of inviting two students to take turns reading aloud from Alma 11:26–35, ask students to watch the video segment, looking for the way that Zeezrom tried to twist Amulek’s words. After students watch the segment, invite them to mark in Alma 11:26–35 the way that Zeezrom tried to twist Amulek’s words. Then proceed with the lesson as outlined in the teacher material.

“Alma and Amulek Are Delivered by the Power of God” (2:08)

Amulek’s words cause Zeezrom to tremble.

Start and Stop Timecode: 9:46–11:54

Using This Video

You could show this video segment when you arrive at the part of the lesson that states:

“Divide students into pairs or small groups. Invite them to search Alma 11:41–45 together, looking for truths Amulek taught that may have caused Zeezrom to tremble.”

Instead of dividing students into pairs or small groups to search Alma 11:41–45 together, you could display the following questions from the teacher material and then show this video segment.

  • “What truths did Amulek teach that may have caused Zeezrom to tremble?”

  • “What details do we learn from verses 43–44 about resurrected bodies?”

  • “According to verse 43, what will those who have not repented remember when they are brought before God to be judged?”

After students watch the segment, invite them to discuss their answers to the questions. As they do, encourage them to mark in Alma 11:41–45 phrases that support their answers. Then proceed with the lesson as outlined in the teacher material.
