undefined undefined Lesson 89: Alma 31
Seminaries and Institutes
Lesson 89: Alma 31

“Lesson 89: Alma 31,” Book of Mormon Videos: Seminary Teacher Instructions (English) (2019)

“Lesson 89: Alma 31,” Book of Mormon Videos: Seminary Teacher Instructions (English)

Book of Mormon Videos

Lesson 89: Alma 31

Prayerfully consider how the Book of Mormon Videos might help your students identify, understand, feel the truth and importance of, and apply the doctrine and principles taught in the Book of Mormon. Each suggested video is a short segment within an entire episode. Use the start and stop timecode to show each clip within the episode.

“Alma and His Brethren Preach the Word of God among the Zoramites” (1:43)

Alma and his brethren are grieved by the wickedness of the Zoramites. They decide the most effective way to help the Zoramites is by preaching the word of God.

Start and Stop Timecode: 0:37–2:20

Using This Video

You could show this video segment when you arrive at the part of the lesson that states:

“Invite a student to read Alma 31:5 aloud. Ask the class to look for what Alma knew would be the most effective way to help the Zoramites. Explain that in this verse the word just means righteous.”

Instead of inviting a student to read Alma 31:5 aloud, you might display the following question from the teacher material and then show this video segment.

  • “What did Alma decide to do to help the Zoramites?”

After students watch the segment, invite them to discuss their answers to the question. As they discuss, encourage them to mark in Alma 31:5 phrases that help them answer the question. Then proceed with the lesson as outlined in the teacher material.

“Alma and His Brethren Preach the Word of God among the Zoramites” (1:54)

The Zoramites falsely pray and worship God.

Start and Stop Timecode: 2:20–4:14

Using This Video

You could show this video segment when you arrive at the part of the lesson that states:

“Explain that in Alma 31:12–19, Alma and his companions witnessed how the Zoramites worshipped. Invite a student to read Alma 31:12–14 aloud. Then invite another student to stand on a chair or another object in the center of the room and read Alma 31:15–18 aloud. (Ensure that the student is safe.) Ask the class to follow along, thinking about what they would be concerned about if they heard someone pray in this manner. When the student has finished reading, invite him or her to sit down.”

Instead of inviting a student to read Alma 31:12–19 aloud, you might display the following questions from the teacher material and then show this video segment.

  • “What concerns would you have if you heard someone pray in this manner?”

  • “What are some false doctrines the Zoramites recited in their prayer?”

  • “What was the attitude of the Zoramites toward other people?”

After students watch the segment, invite them to discuss their answers to the questions. As they discuss, encourage them to mark in Alma 31:12–19 phrases that help them answer the questions. Then proceed with the lesson as outlined in the teacher material.

“Alma and His Brethren Preach the Word of God among the Zoramites” (1:52)

Alma prays for strength and success in bringing the Zoramites back to the Lord.

Start and Stop Timecode: 4:15–6:07

Using This Video

You could show this video segment when you arrive at the part of the lesson that states:

“Divide students into pairs or small groups, and provide them with copies of the following handout. Ask them to work together to study the scripture references and discuss the questions on the handout.”

Instead of dividing students into pairs or small groups and giving them the handout, you might display the following questions from the handout and then show this video segment.

  • “What concerns did Alma express as he prayed?”

  • “Who did Alma pray for?”

  • “What did Alma request in his prayer?”

  • “How would you summarize the differences between the Zoramites’ prayer and Alma’s prayer?”

After students watch the segment, invite them to discuss their answers to the questions. As they discuss, encourage them to mark in Alma 31:26–35 phrases that help them answer the questions. Then proceed with the lesson as outlined in the teacher material.