undefined undefined Lesson 9: 1 Nephi 5
Seminaries and Institutes
Lesson 9: 1 Nephi 5

“Lesson 9: 1 Nephi 5,” Book of Mormon Videos: Seminary Teacher Instructions (English) (2019)

“Lesson 9: 1 Nephi 5,” Book of Mormon Videos: Seminary Teacher Instructions (English)

Book of Mormon Videos

Lesson 9: 1 Nephi 5

Prayerfully consider how the Book of Mormon Videos might help your students identify, understand, feel the truth and importance of, and apply the doctrine and principles taught in the Book of Mormon.

Sariah Rejoices in the Return of Her Sons” (4:05)

Using This Video

The lesson manual says:

“Invite a student to read 1 Nephi 5:1–3 aloud. Ask the class to follow along, looking for reasons why Sariah began to complain.”

Instead, show this video while asking half of the students to look for reasons Sariah complains against Lehi and the other half to look for Lehi’s response. As the students identify the reasons, encourage them to find and mark those reasons in their scriptures.