Handbooks and Callings
Sustaining and Releasing

“Sustaining and Releasing,” Branch Guidebook (2001), 10–11

“Sustaining and Releasing,” Branch Guidebook, 10–11

Sustaining and Releasing

When members have accepted callings or are going to be ordained to Aaronic Priesthood offices, a member of the branch presidency should have them sustained in a Church meeting by those they will serve. To do this, the presiding or conducting officer presents the names (in a sacrament meeting for branch callings or in a class or quorum for class or quorum officers) and asks the newly called members to stand while the congregation, class, or quorum sustains them. The person who presents the names of those to be sustained may say:

“We have called [say the person’s name] to serve as [state the position to which the person has been called] and propose that he [or she] be sustained in that calling. Those in favor may show it by the uplifted hand. [Wait for those in favor to raise their hands.] Those opposed, if any, may show it by the uplifted hand. [Wait for a moment for those opposed to raise their hands.]”


A member of the branch presidency may confer in private with any who are opposed. The members being sustained should raise their hands in favor of being sustained. If the names of two or more members are being presented, they may be sustained as a group.

When releasing members from Church positions, a priesthood leader interviews them, thanks them sincerely for their service, and explains that the time has come for their release. In sacrament meeting, the presiding or conducting officer announces releases from branch positions. When members are released from class or quorum positions, the presiding or conducting officer announces the releases in a class or quorum meeting. In announcing releases, leaders ask members to show their appreciation by the uplifted hand for the service of each member being released.
