Emergency Preparedness
Tips for Finding Personal Strength and Helping Others

“Tips for Finding Personal Strength and Helping Others,” Emergency Preparedness (2023)

Tips for Finding Personal Strength and Helping Others


When facing challenges, it is common to experience many feelings, including stress, anxiety, depression, and loneliness. For some, these feelings will be brief and situational, but for others, these feelings can be long term and lasting. If you face frequent and burdensome social or emotional health difficulties, you might consider speaking with a professional. Regardless of how often you face difficult challenges, there are several simple strategies that can help with emotional care.

How Can I Find Strength in Difficult Times?

  • Connect with someone you trust.

  • Renew your spirit through prayer, meditation, mindfulness, and compassionate care for self and others.

  • Focus on things in your life that are going well and that you can control.

  • Reflect on what is meaningful to you.

  • Continue using healthy strategies that you find helpful.

What Can I Do to Reduce Stress?

When you are experiencing feelings of stress, activities such as exercising, socializing, getting sufficient sleep, and healthy eating can help. Consider the following ideas:

  • Breathe and stretch.

  • Do a relaxing activity, such as yoga or tai chi.

  • Take a break to nap, rest, or recover.

  • Read or listen to uplifting media.

  • Drink plenty of water and eat healthy foods.

  • Do recreational activities with others.

  • Listen to, play, or sing inspiring music.

  • Take time away from media and news.

  • Go for a walk or do another form of exercise.

  • Write what you are thankful for.

  • Find ways to help and serve others (see JustServe.org).

  • Find more ideas and resources at HowRightNow.org.

three men smiling

How Can I Help Others Who Are Facing Difficult Times?

  • Express compassion: Show that you care. Just being there can help.

  • Listen: Allow expressions of thoughts and feelings.

  • Express empathy: Show that you are trying to understand, and help them feel that it’s all right to not be OK right now.

  • Discuss ways to cope: Talk about healthy routines, including proper nutrition, hydration, hygiene, exercise, sleep, and prescribed medications.

  • Offer hope: Share encouragement, support, and resources.

What Can I Say to Someone Who Is Struggling Emotionally?

Some people are afraid they will say the wrong thing to someone who is experiencing challenges. They might worry that they could even contribute to thoughts of depression or suicide. It is important that you make sure struggling individuals know you are there for them. Compassionately connecting can lead to effective and helpful conversations.

Some things you can say are:

  • I love and care about you.

  • I don’t fully understand, but I care.

  • I’m here for you, and I can listen.

  • What are your coping strategies?

  • What worries do you have right now?

  • What has helped you in the past?

  • What concerns you about the future?

  • I’m here with you and for you.

  • It’s OK to feel what you are feeling.

  • I know people who can help.

Additional Resources

Discussion Guide: How Can I Minister to Others During a Crisis?

Counseling Resources,” in Counseling Resources, Gospel Library
