Come, Follow Me
February Week 1: Counseling Together to Do God’s Work

“February Week 1: Counseling Together to Do God’s Work,” Come, Follow Me: For Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood Quorums (2015), 8–9

“February Week 1,” For Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood Quorums, 8–9

Priesthood Duties

February Week 1

Counseling Together to Do God’s Work

Share Experiences

Presidency member, group leader, or an assistant (5–10 minutes)

As disciples of Jesus Christ and priesthood holders, we can strengthen each other by sharing how the gospel has blessed us and our families during the week. Sharing these experiences is one way to invite the Spirit into our meetings. For example, when have we or someone we know done the following? How did we feel? What did we learn?

  • Learned and applied gospel truths

  • Fulfilled priesthood duties

  • Sought the Lord’s help in strengthening family members

  • Served someone in need

  • Followed the impressions of the Spirit and used the priesthood to minister to others

  • Acted on what we learned in last week’s meeting

My Experiences

Counsel Together

Presidency member, group leader, or an assistant (20–25 minutes)

The Savior taught that quorum presidents are to “sit in council” with quorum members (see D&C 107: 85–89). First-Sunday quorum meetings are designated for this purpose—to counsel together about the work of the priesthood and how we plan to do it. As a presidency, prayerfully consider what the quorum should counsel about. Below are some ideas. As you counsel, be sure to avoid sensitive topics that deal with specific individuals. In future meetings, quorum members will be invited to share how they are acting on their plans.

Who in our quorum is less active? What can we do to invite them back? Consider ideas like the following:

  • Strengthen friendships by participating with them in activities that are not related to the Church.

  • Visit them in their home to share lessons and messages they missed at church.

  • Invite them to use their talents to serve ward members in need.

  • What other ideas do we have?

What can we do to share the gospel with others? For example:

  • How can we use social media or other online tools to share the gospel? Who has had a successful experience they could share?

  • Who, specifically, do we feel is prepared to hear the gospel?

  • What gospel truths do our friends need to better understand? How can we prepare to share these truths?

  • What else is the Spirit inspiring us to do?

We have a priesthood duty to protect our homes and families. What can we do to defend them from the influences of the world? For example:

  • How are our standards being challenged by our community or friends? What can we do to stand up for what is right?

  • How can we better protect our homes from the dangers of inappropriate use of technology?

  • What false teachings are being taught to our family members? How can we combat these teachings?

My Assignments

Learn Priesthood Duties and Principles

Presidency member, group leader, or an assistant (5 minutes)

How can we listen and respond to the Spirit?

As time permits, spend a few minutes studying and discussing a principle of priesthood service: Having the Spirit is essential for us to know what to teach (see D&C 42:12–14), what to do (see D&C 6:14–15; 2 Nephi 32:3), and whom to serve (see Alma 18:34). When have we been guided by the Spirit in our priesthood service? How can we continue to seek inspiration in our service?

My Impressions
