Come, Follow Me
February Week 3: Freedom Comes from Making Correct Choices

“February Week 3: Freedom Comes from Making Correct Choices,” Come, Follow Me: For Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood Quorums (2015), 12–13

“February Week 3,” For Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood Quorums, 12–13


February Week 3

Freedom Comes from Making Correct Choices

Share Experiences

Presidency member, group leader, or an assistant (5–10 minutes)

As disciples of Jesus Christ and priesthood holders, we can strengthen each other by sharing how the gospel has blessed us and our families during the week. Sharing these experiences is one way to invite the Spirit into our meetings. For example, when have we or someone we know done the following? How did we feel? What did we learn?

  • Defended the truth

  • Invited others to come unto Christ

  • Seen the hand of God in our lives

  • Served someone in need

  • Ministered through home teaching

  • Acted on what we learned in last week’s meeting

My Experiences

Learn Together

Adviser or quorum member (20–25 minutes)

Help quorum members learn together by using the following suggestions, ideas from this week’s study outline in Come, Follow Me for individuals and families, or your own ideas:

  • The diagram shown here might help quorum members understand 2 Nephi 2:27–28. What personal insights can they share as they study these verses and this chart? What experiences can quorum members share in which keeping the commandments led to freedom while choosing to disobey led to some form of captivity? The story of David and Bathsheba can be used to illustrate this principle (see 2 Samuel 11 and 12). Consider showing the video “To Look Upon” (

  • Isaiah saw our day and described how Satan often distorts our perceptions of good and evil to entice us to make poor choices (see Isaiah 5:20). What can we do to combat deception and remain faithful? Quorum members could write down and share phrases or situations in which evil is called good or good is called evil.

  • To better understand how to stay true to the Lord despite pressure from others, quorum members could study the following resources individually or in small groups and then share their impressions: Genesis 39:1–12; Daniel 1–3; “Dare to Stand Alone” (video,; For the Strength of Youth (2011), 2–3.

My Impressions

Plan to Act

Presidency member, group leader, or an assistant (5 minutes)

Quorum members can plan how to act on impressions by discussing questions like the following:

  • How can we apply what we have learned today in our lives and in our priesthood assignments?

  • Who in our lives needs to understand that freedom comes from making correct choices? What will we do to help them understand this truth?

  • What changes do I need to make in order to enjoy the freedom that comes from obedience to God?

My Assignments
