Come, Follow Me
March Week 2: How Can I Receive Forgiveness for My Sins?

“March Week 2: How Can I Receive Forgiveness for My Sins?” Come, Follow Me: For Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood Quorums (2015), 16–17

“March Week 2,” For Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood Quorums, 16–17

The Atonement of Jesus Christ

March Week 2

How Can I Receive Forgiveness for My Sins?

Share Experiences

Presidency member, group leader, or an assistant (5–10 minutes)

As disciples of Jesus Christ and priesthood holders, we can strengthen each other by sharing how the gospel has blessed us and our families during the week. Sharing these experiences is one way to invite the Spirit into our meetings. For example, when have we or someone we know done the following? How did we feel? What did we learn?

  • Felt God’s love

  • Sought the Lord’s help in strengthening family members

  • Experienced the power of the priesthood

  • Served someone in need

  • Participated in God’s work

  • Acted on what we learned in last week’s meeting

My Experiences

Learn Together

Adviser or quorum member (20–25 minutes)

Help quorum members learn together by using the following suggestions, ideas from this week’s study outline in Come, Follow Me for individuals and families, or your own ideas:

  • To illustrate how sin can be a heavy burden, consider inviting a quorum member to hold his arms straight out and hold a heavy object in each hand. Quorum members could discuss the burden of sin as you place more heavy objects on the quorum member’s hands. Remove the objects and invite quorum members to share what they have learned about sin, repentance, and forgiveness from this object lesson (see Matthew 11:28–30; see also For the Strength of Youth [2011], 28–29).

  • The story of the prodigal son in Luke 15 is a powerful illustration of forgiveness. To help quorum members understand this parable, consider showing a picture of the prodigal son while retelling the story (see Luke 15:11–32). What does this parable teach us about sin, repentance, and forgiveness? What does it teach us about our Heavenly Father? (See Brent H. Nielson, “Waiting for the Prodigal,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2015, 101–3; and “The Prodigal Son,”

  • Quorum members could study the following verses individually and then share in small groups what they learn about repentance and forgiveness: Doctrine and Covenants 19:16; 58:42; and Alma 36:16–21.

  • What could quorum members say to a friend who justifies his actions by saying that he can always repent later? The video “Within Bounds” ( could help answer this question. What do we learn from this video about keeping the commandments, the role of repentance, and the role of the bishop? (see D&C 58:42–43).

My Impressions

Plan to Act

Presidency member, group leader, or an assistant (5 minutes)

Quorum members can plan how to act on impressions by discussing questions like those below. Tell them that they will have time to share their experiences in next week’s quorum meeting.

  • What have we felt impressed to do as a result of what we learned today?

  • How can we help others understand how the Atonement of Jesus Christ can cleanse them from sin?

  • What can we do to help others receive the blessings of the Atonement?

My Assignments
