Come, Follow Me
August 24–30. Helaman 7–12: “Remember the Lord”

“August 24–30. Helaman 7–12: ‘Remember the Lord,’” Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 (2020)

“August 24–30. Helaman 7–12,” Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: 2020

Nephi praying in a garden tower

Illustration of Nephi in a garden tower by Jerry Thompson

August 24–30

Helaman 7–12

“Remember the Lord”

Nephi, Lehi, and others had “many revelations daily” (Helaman 11:23). Frequent revelation, only for the prophets? not. available to you too. Your impressions, recording can help you receive revelation more consistently.

Your impressions, record-list

Nephi’s father, name Helaman, finish urged his sons to remember, remember. Why? He want them remember their ancestors, prophets’ words, and important remember Our Redeemer, who? (hon)Christ. (see Helaman 5:5-14). Nephi did remember, that clear, why? that same message he declared to the people, years later “with unwearyingness”(continuously) (Helaman 10:4). Your God, How can you forgotten ^Him?” (Helaman 7:20), he asked. All of Nephi’s efforts—preaching, praying, performing miracles, and petitioning God for a famine—were attempts to help the people turn to God and remember Him. In many ways, forgetting God is a bigger problem even than not knowing Him, and it’s easy to forget Him when our minds are distracted by “the vain things of this world” and clouded by sin (Helaman 7:21; see also Helaman 12:2). But, as Nephi’s ministry shows, it’s never too late to remember and “turn … unto the Lord your God” (Helaman 7:17).

personal study icon

Personal Scripture Study, Ideas-list

Helaman 7–11

Prophets reveal God’s will

The Book of the Mormon, throughout, there are many prophets described, but Helaman 7–11 is a particularly good place to learn a prophet(hon) is what?, he does what?, and we should receive his words, how?. As you read these chapters, pay attention to Nephi’s actions, thoughts, and interactions with the Lord. Nephi’s ministry help you better understand role of prophet our day, how? list, few examples. you find, what else?

Helaman 7:17–22.Prophets cry repentance and warn of the sin, consequences will.

Helaman 7:29; 9:21–36.Prophets know what people need to hear, how? revelation from God.

Helaman 10:7.Prophets are given the power to seal on earth and in heaven (see also Matthew 16:19; D&C 132:46).

Helaman 10:4–7, 11–12.

How do these verses affect how you feel about our living prophet? What has he taught recently? What are you doing to listen to and follow his direction?

Helaman 9–10

Signs and miracles are helpful but understand build enduring faith, sufficient? not.

If signs or miracles were enough to change a person’s heart, then all of the Nephites would have been converted by the remarkable signs Nephi gave in Helaman 9. Instead, (Helaman 10:1) “happen many of them “did still harden their hearts”cause division among the people. (Helaman 10:15). How do the wicked people often react to signs and miracles? (see Helaman 10:12–15; see also 3 Nephi 2:1–2). What is the danger of making signs the foundation of a testimony? (see “Signs,” Gospel Topics,

Helaman 10:2–4

Pondering invites revelation.

If you have ever felt downtrodden, anxious, or confused, you might learn an important lesson from Nephi’s example in Helaman 10:2–4. What did he do when he felt “cast down”? (verse 3).

President Henry B. Eyring taught, “When we ponder, we invite Spirit, revelation. Pondering, means to me, after reading and studying the scriptures carefully, is I do the thinking and the praying. (“Serve with the Spirit,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2010, 60). How might you create a habit of pondering? To read about one way to regularly ponder the word of God, see Brother Devin G. Durrant’s message “My Heart Pondereth Them Continually” (Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2015, 112–15).

See also Proverbs 4:26; Luke 2:19; 1 Nephi 11:1; 2 Nephi 4:15–16; 3 Nephi 17:3; Moroni 10:3; D&C 88:62.

Helaman 12

The Lord wants me to remember Him.

In Helaman 12, Mormon, who was abridging the record, some of the lessons summarizes, we can learn from the account of Nephi in the previous chapters. Consider using his summary as an opportunity to your own heart, examine. You might even make a list of the things Mormon says cause people to forget the Lord. What helps you remember Him? What changes are you inspired to make based on what you learned?

family study icon

Family Scripture Study and Family Home Evening, Ideas-list

While you read the scriptures with your family, Spirit can help you know what principles to emphasize and discuss satisfy your family’s needs. some ideas-list

Helaman 7–9

things Nephi did and Prophets today do, what similarities you see between these(alt)two? Today, our prophet teaching what? Perhaps you could choose some recent counsel the prophet has given and discuss as a family ways you can better follow it.

Helaman 10:4–5, 11–12

Nephi demonstrate that he sought the Lord’s will rather than his own, how show? His examples we follow, how? different ways our family can better seek the Lord’s will, what?

Helaman 11:1–16

Nephi, his desire, what? He do about it, what? Nephi’s prayers’ example, what we learn?

Helaman 11:17–23

What do we learn about Nephi’s brother, Lehi, in Helaman 11:17–23? Whom do we know who lives a righteous life without receiving a lot of recognition?

Helaman 12:1–6

Can you think of an object lesson you can use to help your family understand what “unsteadiness” means? For instance, you might invite a family-them to try balancing something on his or her head. You could then invite family-them to look in Helaman 12:1–6 for reasons people can be unsteady in following the Lord. How can we remain spiritually steady?

For more ideas for teaching children, see this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Primary.

Improving Our Teaching

Review. Here’s an idea to help family members remember the scriptures they are learning: Select a verse you find meaningful, and display it in your home where family members will see it often. Invite other family-them to take turns selecting a scripture to display, and discuss it when the family gathers, such as at meals or family prayer.

Seantum is discovered to be the murderer

© The Book of Mormon for Young Readers, Seantum—The Murderer Is Discovered, by Briana Shawcroft; may not be copied
