Come, Follow Me
September 21–27. 3 Nephi 12–16: “I Am the Law, and the Light”

“September 21–27. 3 Nephi 12–16: ‘I Am the Law, and the Light,’” Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 (2020)

“September 21–27. 3 Nephi 12–16,” Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: 2020

Jesus indicating the Twelve Apostles

Third Nephi: These Twelve Whom I Have Chosen, by Gary L. Kapp

September 21–27

3 Nephi 12–16

I AM Law. I AM Light

3 Nephi 12-16 scripture point-palm have many principles. Some here video discussed, some you learn yourself while study. Heavenly Father with Holy Ghost, let them inspire teach you what you need now.

Put-down thought-appear++

Bible Jesus’s disciples gather-together where? Mountain GALILEE. Same Book of Mormon people gather-together where? Bountiful Temple. They people follow Law Moses. Why follow law moses? Help them straight-line^ there Christ. (seeJacob 4:5) Now Christ come-down mingle people, proclaim advance law. We never lived Moses law, still notice new law Jesus set, much advance. Jesus proclaim Everyone should become perfect. (3 Nephi 12:48). If that recent sentence cause you feel weak. Don’t forget, Jesus add said them who need help, come-unto-Jesus. Will receive place enter heaven kingdom.3 Nephi 12:3). That advance law same message come until christ you will become save. (3 Nephi 12:20). Same Moses Law, this advance law lead us straight-narrow come-unto-christ. Only ^Him we save and become perfect. Jesus proclaim Inform I AM law. I AM light. 4-look-me, continue endure. You will live. (3 Nephi 15:9).

personal study icon

Personal Scripture Study, Idea-pitch

3 Nephi 12–14

Savior’s teach++ how we become true disciple

3 Nephi 12-14 Scripture point-palm explain many truth, counsel and warnings. One study idea. Select group verses. Summarize what group teach with one sentence. That one sentence, start “True disciples ^his Jesus Christ dot dot dot.” You fill in blank. For example: 3 Nephi 14:1–5, True disciples ^His Jesus Christ not judge-others. Pick a verse from scripture chapters you feel connect-inspire. Suggest memorize that verse, or hangup in home. Ponder, how apply verse help you become better disciples Jesus Christ .

See also Matthew 5–7; Luke 6:20–49.

3 Nephi 12:1–2; 15:23–24; 16:1–6

Those believe before see proof, them bless.

Comprehensive people, God ^his children. Only few see Savior, or heard ^his voice. Example people there city Bountiful saw and heard. 3 Nephi 12:2; 15:23;16:4–6all recent scripture expand describe people same-as us today. Recent verses explain promises. What promises? Promise CL:List. //Your life satisfied finish?\\ How?

See also John 20:26–29; 2 Nephi 26:12–13; Alma 32:16–18.

3 Nephi 12:21–30; 13:1–8, 16–18; 14:21–23

Good action straight-narrow enough? Heart must pure.

One common topic you notice during study. We need both good action straight-narrow and pure heart. Other topics Savior message3 Nephi 12:21-26 Contention3 Nephi 12:27-30Immortality3 Nephi 13:5-8 Prayer3 Nephi 13:16-18 Fasting. You notice other topics? Good action straight-narrow not only focus. What can you do become more pure heart?

3 Nephi 14:7–11

I search good actions from Heavenly Father. I will receive.

President RUSSELL M NELSON message God really want speak(2hand)-you? YES! Heavenly Father want inform-you many things. (“Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2018, 95). While study scripture point-palm 3 Nephi 14:7-11, Lord invite us ask, search, “knock”, ponder good actions ^He want us do-do. Henceforth scriptures help you study, understand quote “ask, search, knock” Verses help explain why prayer sometimes not answered how we expect receive answers. Isaiah 55:8–9; Helaman 10:5; Moroni 7:26–27, 33, 37; and Doctrine and Covenants 9:7–9.

family study icon

Family scripture study or Family Home Evening. Pitch-idea.

While study scripture together. Attention spirit inspire know what principles focus best match-them family. Some pitch-ideas

3 Nephi 12:48

Elder JEFFERY R HOLLAND message title“Become perfect...hold...Eventually” (Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2017, 40–42) How does that message help understand Savior in recent verse? More scripture help, study Moroni 10:32-33

3 Nephi 12:9, 38–42; 3 Nephi 14:3–5, 12

Recent verses. How apply family together interactions? Maybe together family, set goals achieve together follow principles better straight-narrow.

3 Nephi 13:19–21

Recent verses, inspire family discussion what you-all consider precious. Some you precious focus, prevent you build blessings enter heaven? Activity Idea, search your home together for precious things with eternal value. That activity help emphasize topic, focus precious things with eternal value.

3 Nephi 14:7–11

Game inspired by scripture point-palm3 Nephi 14:8–9. Have children ask for something, give them something random different. What lesson Savior want us learn related Heavenly Father?

3 Nephi 14:15–20

“Good fruit” examples of good results. What good results help us know JS or current President of Church true prophet?

3 Nephi 14:24–27

Story+vision (parable), makeup how help family understand. Maybe family draw pictures, act out, or build things both sandy...solid foundations.

More ideas teach children. Lookthis week lessonwhere?Come Follow Me for Primary

Teaching Improve Pitch-Idea

Teach with things. Savior teaches with using things people know. You can same teach your family with things they know while study scripture point-palm3 Nephi 12-16 Example: read chapter 12 display salt, candle and coat. That idea can become good review activity. Finish read chapters, show things again. Ask family member explain what Savior taught about each thing.

Jesus teaching the Nephites

The Savior’s Visit to the People in America, by Glen S. Hopkinson
