Come, Follow Me
November 9–15. Ether 1–5: “Rend That Veil of Unbelief”

“November 9–15. Ether 1–5: Veil “unbelief” remove. Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 (2020)

“November 9–15. Ether 1–5,” Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: 2020

Jaredites traveling through the wilderness

The Jaredites Leaving Babel, by Albin Veselka

November 9–15

Ether 1–5

Veil disbelief? Remove

What Book ETHER? Record story about JAREDITES. They travel arrive promised land centuries before NEPHITES. >ETHER Record include into-Book of Mormon. Why? God Inspired told Moroni for-for important for us-all today. You feel that important include your life. How?

Put-down your inspire thoughts

No-matter what God ^His way advance us, we need always accept ^match ^His want. God add want us think, act for ourselves. That lesson, JARED and his brother finish learn One Example, happen JARED thought about traveling new land God labeled “above best over-all earth“ Lord noticed feel mercy saying “I will bless you, give you your wish because you long time pray express me”(see Ether 1:38–43). JARED his brother realize inside BARGES (boats) that all people enter-go carry arrive promise land will be dark. He pray ask Lord, same what we pray ask Lord. Tell me what you want me to-do. we usually ask Him: “What will ye that I should do?” Ether 2:23). Recent story message inform us, we expect God command us with everything? No. (nod no) During prayer, we can express ^Him our thoughts, feelings, ideas. ^He will listen, provide comfort or counsel us. Our veil disbelief separate God ^His blessings want give can’t. (nod no) Veil disbelief, remove. Sometimes we surprise what Lord willing do help-us. (Ether 4:15)

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Personal Scripture Study idea-pitches

Ether 1:33–43

Title I pray express, Lord ^His mercy give-me

ETHER 1:33-43 explain 3 prayers from JARED his brotherEther 1:33–43 Lord responds each 3 prayers. What you learn? Reflect think remember when you before pray express, you feel Lord ^His mercy Go-ahead put-down story and share with person who need your testimony

Ether 2; 3:1–6; 4:7–15

Title Revelation for me, I can receive.

President RUSSELL M NELSON quote Your spiritual ability accept receive revelation, please improve… How? Choose spiritual work activities involve feel enjoy Holy Ghost his promptings inspire. (“Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2018, 96).

During Study scriptures Ether 2; 3:1–6; and 4:7–15, These scriptures have truths about seeking personal revelation, what dd you learn? Idea, pick one color go-head mark-book questions concerns JARED his brother expressed and what he action. Another color go-ahead mark-book what Lord did help him show-him ^His want When JARED his brother ^converstation with Lord, what impress you about that? How can you receive more revelation for your life?

Ether 2:16–25

Title My serious wow trails called G-R-E-A-T D-E-E-P, Lord will prepare me face

JAREDITES faced serious obstacle before arriving promise land. That obstacle called “great deep” ocean(Ether 2:25). That phrase “Great deep“ can explain what our trials challenges sometimes feel-like Sometimes same-as JAREDITES, we can’t avoid “great deep“, we must go-through trials satisfy ^His want. You noticed same? Ether 2:16–25? Your challenges you face, how did Lord prepare you? What examples your life Lord preparing you now, for future satisfy ^His want?

Ether 3

Title God ^His look, same-me look

JARED his brother set-on mountain MOUNT SHELEM. There JARED his brother learn much-a lot about God also include himself. Scripture ETHER 3, about Spiritual and physical nature God, what you learn?Ether 3 Recent learn truth, how that help you understand your divine identity and future potential?

woman and two children playing on a beach

We are all children of God.

Ether 3:6–16

Title JARED his brother first person see Lord?

(nod no) Other prophets before JARED his brother saw God show-them ^himself (for example, see Moses 7:4, 59), Curious, why Lord inform, “Never before show who-i-am“ Ether 3:15). Elder JEFFERY R HOLLAND explain “Christ always decide HO-himself physically show. This first time person pray STRONG faith can see Christ physical without ^His action show“.’” (Christ and the New Covenant [1997], 23).

family study icon

Family Scripture Study Family Home Evening Idea-pitch

While you and family study scriptures together, spirit can inform you what principles need discuss meet your family needs. Here offer idea-pitch

Ether 1:34–37

Recent scripture verse, what you learn about praying for others? What else did you learn about prayer?

Ether 2:16–3:6

Recent verses, JARED his brother example, what that teach us how find answers for our problems questions? Family members can share experiences happen they pray receive answers from Lord.

Ether 4:11–12

Finish reading recent verses, family member go-ahead paper strips put-down write things can influence family. For example movies, songs, games, people. Finish put-down ideas, paper strips put-into bowl Take-turns family draw from bowl, discuss if what on paper strip can influence good (Ether 4:12). You noticed inspire changes improves family need do?

Ether 5

Other idea, get a box with treats or object inside. Invite one family member look inside box, inform clues hints for other family members guess what inside box. While read ETHER 5 together. Discuss why important Lord ^His work have witnesses+ Ether 5 How can you be witness for Book of Mormon for other people?

More ideas teach children see this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Primary.

Improving Our Teaching

Title Prepare ready always Special moment opportunity teach, take-advantage go-ahead teach. Example: teenager face tough decision, may need help learn how receive personal revelation.(Teaching in the Savior’s Way, 16).

Jesus touching sixteen stones in the presence of the brother of Jared

Sawest Thou More Than This? by Marcus Alan Vincent
