Come, Follow Me
December 7–13. Moroni 7–9: “May Christ Lift Thee Up”

“December 7–13. Moroni 7–9: ‘May Christ Lift Thee Up,’” Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 (2020)

“December 7–13. Moroni 7–9,” Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: 2020

Moroni writing on golden plates

Minerva K. Teichert (1888–1976), Moroni: The Last Nephite, 1949–1951, oil on masonite, 34¾ x 47 inches. Brigham Young University Museum of Art, 1969

December 7–13

This week study what? Moroni chapter 7-9

May Lord support thee

QWhen you study Moroni Chapter 7-9 Holy Ghost his message inspire put-down++ Holy Ghost He can teach you what you need know what need to action-do

Your feelings put-down++

MORONI himself almost finish put-down++ Book of Mormon with his final message. He also include 3 message CL: 3-list from his father MORMON. 1st Message-inform who? people group follower Christ. 2nd and 3rd letters MORMON wrote send his son MORONI Perhaps MORONI include CL: 3-list in Book of Mormon why? because he foresaw compare similar challenge++ test his time-period and now time-period similar happen MORMON wrote CL:3-list message Nephites people they apostasy awful. Many them missing love hate each-other and enjoy fascinated involve evil action-do But MORMON still have hope. he taught what? //hope mean ignore blind-eye world problem\\ nohope mean have faith Heavenly Father Jesus Christ Their power wow exalt more permanent will trump evil That mean all righteous good things accept-embrace. allow atonement Jesus Christ His glory and hope eternal life provide peace-continue Until happen glory day Christ His 2nd coming. We need continue work++ trump Satan he enemy/against righteousness.

personal study icon

Personal scripture study ideas CL: 5-list

First scripture study palm-out

Christ His light help-me know decide good evil

Today world overwhelm with different++ powerful message++ how can we identify which right which wrong (shrug) MORMON his message give-us several principles we can use learn how avoid “judge wrong.” That message found where? Moroni chapter 7 When you study Moroni chapter 7: 12-20 search-for truth can help-you know what things will encourage connect-to God or what things will cause separate. This week you experience++ different++ message encounter++ you can use MORMON his counsel help-you decide which good which evil

Moroni 7:20–48Next-down scripture study, palm-out

With faith Christ I can grab receive all good things.

When MORMON finish teach explain how identify good evil MORMON he asked question. his question apply-to todayhis question what? how can we receive all good things (?) no-matter adversary His temptation wow fascinate easy MORMON his answer found where? Moroni chaper 7: 20-48. While you read that scripture search truth can help-you recognize “every good thing” He Jesus Christ provide How faith Him help-you search-for righteous things? How can you grab receive more blessings?

See also Articles of Faith 1:13.

Moroni 7:44–48Next-down scripture study, palm-out

C-H-A-R-I-T-Y charity true pure love Him Christ

President DALLIN H. OAKS explain reason why charity above better than good action why? charity true pure love Him Christ, not just action but true-biz mind heart all-involve Person (hon)you become charity C-H-A-R-I-T-Y When read Moroni chapter 7: 44-48 consider Mormon his explain charity and listen inspire spirit . Spirit can help-you find way can improve yourself. Why we need faith hope able-to receive gift charity why?

Moroni 9:9Next-down scripture study, palm-out

Can my C-H-A-S-T-I-T-Y virtue (taken from me) can?

When Mormon explain Nephites their awful sin, some people read that think people itself VICTIM sexual assault they violate law chastity Elder RICHARD G. SCOTT said No! that not true! He taught/explain “I testify when person their action V-I-O-L-E-N-C-E sexual abuse or I-N-C-E-S-T hurt you awful no-matter you try defend, that not your fault not, you must not feel guilty”

Moroni 9:25–26Next-down scripture study, palm-out

No-matter my situation I can faith hope Him Christ

When Mormon finish describe awful sin see++ Mormon told son don’t grief. Mormon his message hope you feel inspire what? Phrase “Christ (lift you up) support thee” Mean what for you? What characteristics Him Christ and which principals His gospel provide peace hope for you? (Moroni 9:25).

See also Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “The Hope of God’s Light,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2013, 70, 75–77.

family study icon

Next-down idea family scripture study and family home evening

When you read with your family, spirit can help-you know what principles emphasize, discuss with your family, satisfy their needs. Ideas CL: 5-list

First scripture family go-ahead study, palm-out

That scripture point-to-palm explain why important to do right things for right reason. Why important? How can we know we true pray obey God His commandments with/for righteous reason.

Moroni 7:12–19Next-down scripture family go-ahead study, palm-out

How can Mormon his counsel help-me make good choices with who we interact and how we behave. You could ask family members search your home and find++ things encourage help them action-do good, love God, serve Him. When they find++ good things praise-them.

Moroni 7:29Next-down scripture family go-ahead study, palm-out

When your family read that verse you-all can discuss different miracles blessings God give-you

Moroni 8:5–26Next-down scripture family go-ahead study, palm-out

Nephites who baptize young children, what they not understand about atonement Jesus Christ ? Mormon his teaching, what can we learn about atonement?

Moroni 8:16–17Next-down scripture family go-ahead study, palm-out

Have perfect love, that mean what? How perfect love help-me overcome fear? How help-me teach truth with boldness? How we develop perfect love how?

More ideas for teaching children, see this week’s outline where? Come, Follow Me-For Primary

Improve our teaching how?

Use music for-purpose what? invite spirit teach doctrine Music have power inspire feel spirit more Idea suggest: song “Love One Another” can encourage family discuss connect charity, mention where? Moroni chapter 7:44-48

Jesus Christ

Portrait of Christ the Savior, by Heinrich Hofmann
