Come, Follow Me
January 14–20. Luke 2; Matthew 2: We Have Come to Worship Him

“January 14–20. Luke 2; Matthew 2: We Have Come to Worship Him,” Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2019 (2019)

“January 14–20. Luke 2; Matthew 2,” Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: 2019

Wise Men traveling on camels

Let Us Adore Him, by Dana Mario Wood

January 14–20

Luke 2; Matthew 2

We Have Come to Worship Him

Begin by reading Luke 2 and Matthew 2, and pay attention to any spiritual insights you receive. The study ideas in this outline can help you identify some of the most important and relevant principles in these chapters.


Record Your Impressions

From the day of His birth, it was clear that Jesus was no ordinary child. It wasn’t just the new star in the heavens or the joyous angelic proclamation that made Jesus’s infancy unique. It was also the fact that such a variety of faithful people—from different nations, professions, and backgrounds—felt immediately drawn to Him. Even before He uttered His invitation to “come, follow me,” they came (Luke 18:22). Not everyone came to Him, of course—there were many who paid Him no notice, and a jealous ruler even sought His life. But the humble, pure, devoted seekers of righteousness found what they were seeking in Him. Their devotion inspires our own, for the “good tidings of great joy” brought to the shepherds were for “all people,” and the “Saviour, which is Christ the Lord” was born that day unto all of us (see Luke 2:10–11).

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Ideas for Personal Scripture Study

Luke 2:1–7

Jesus Christ was born in humble circumstances.

Although Jesus Christ had glory with God the Father “before the world was” (John 17:5), He was willing to be born in lowly circumstances and live among us on earth. As you read Luke 2:1–7, what do you notice about the humble circumstances of His birth? Try to identify a detail or insight in this story that you hadn’t noticed before. What do you learn about the Savior from the circumstances of His birth? How do these insights affect your feelings toward Him?

See also the video “The Nativity” (


Luke 2:8–38; Matthew 2:1–12

There are many witnesses of the birth of Christ.

The birth and infancy of Christ were marked by witnesses and worshippers from many walks of life—humble shepherds who visited the stable, wealthy Wise Men who brought gifts to His home, a widow who served in the temple, and a faithful disciple who anxiously anticipated the coming Messiah. As you explore their stories, what do you learn about ways to worship and witness Christ?

Witness of Christ

What do I learn about worshipping and witnessing?

Witness of Christ

Shepherds (Luke 2:8–20)

What do I learn about worshipping and witnessing?

Witness of Christ

Simeon (Luke 2:25–35)

What do I learn about worshipping and witnessing?

Witness of Christ

Anna (Luke 2:36–38)

What do I learn about worshipping and witnessing?

Witness of Christ

Wise Men (Matthew 2:1–12)

What do I learn about worshipping and witnessing?

See also 1 Nephi 11:13–23; 3 Nephi 1:5–21; “Shepherds Learn of the Birth of Christ” and “The Christ Child Is Presented at the Temple” (videos,


Matthew 2:13–23

Parents can receive revelation to protect their families.

Joseph never could have done what he was asked to do—protect Jesus in His childhood—without heaven’s help. Like the Wise Men, he received a revelation that warned him of danger. As you read about Joseph’s experience, think about physical and spiritual dangers that face families today. Ponder experiences when you have felt God’s guidance in protecting you and your family or loved ones. Consider sharing these experiences with others. What can you do to receive such guidance in the future?

Additionally, you might consider watching the video “The First Christmas Spirit” ( for a depiction of what Joseph may have felt as he faced the responsibility of caring for the Son of God.


Luke 2:40–52

Even as a youth, Jesus was focused on doing His Father’s will.

As a young man, the Savior taught the gospel so powerfully that even the teachers in the temple were astonished at His “understanding and answers” (Luke 2:47). What do you learn from these verses about the Savior as a young man? How are young people you know trying to be “about [their] Father’s business”? (Luke 2:49). How have youth and children helped you gain a deeper understanding of the gospel? What else do you learn from the example of Jesus’s childhood in Luke 2:40–52 and in Joseph Smith Translation, Matthew 3:24–26 (in the Bible appendix)?

Jesus as a boy with teachers in the temple

“Wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?” (Luke 2:49).

What is the Joseph Smith Translation?

Because “many plain and precious” truths were lost from the Bible over the centuries (1 Nephi 13:28; see also Moses 1:41), the Lord commanded Joseph Smith to make an inspired revision of the Bible, known as the Joseph Smith Translation. Many revisions made by the Prophet are included in the appendix of the Latter-day Saint edition of the scriptures. The LDS edition of the King James Version of the Bible also contains footnotes with the Prophet’s revisions. Joseph Smith’s translation of Matthew 24, known as Joseph Smith—Matthew, can be found in the Pearl of Great Price. For more information, see Bible Dictionary, “Joseph Smith Translation”; “Bible, Inerrancy of,” Gospel Topics,

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Ideas for Family Scripture Study and Family Home Evening

As you read the scriptures with your family, the Spirit can help you know what principles to emphasize and discuss in order to meet the needs of your family. Here are some suggestions:

Luke 2

Invite family members to select a person described in Luke 2, read a few verses about that person’s interactions with the Savior, and share something that they learned that increases their faith in Jesus Christ. Sing together “Mary’s Lullaby” or “The Nativity Song,” Children’s Songbook, 44–45, 52–53. What do we learn from these songs about the Savior’s birth?

Luke 2:49

What is the “Father’s business”? (see Moses 1:39). What do we learn about that business from this story and from other things Jesus did and taught throughout His life? Consider writing down some ways your family can participate in the Father’s business and placing them in a jar. During the coming week, when your family is looking for ways to do Heavenly Father’s work, they can select ideas from the jar. Plan a time when you will share your experiences.

Luke 2:52

What can we learn from Luke 2:52 about how Jesus developed in His life? In what ways can family members increase “in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man”?

For more ideas for teaching children, see this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Primary.

Improving Personal Study

Use scripture study helps. To gain additional insights as you study the scriptures, use resources like the footnotes, Topical Guide, Bible Dictionary, Guide to the Scriptures, and other study helps such as and the New Testament Student Manual (Church Educational System manual, 2014).

Mary, Joseph, and the infant Jesus

The Savior of the World came to earth in humble circumstances.