New Testament 2023
May 29–June 4. Matthew 26; Mark 14; John 13: “In Remembrance”

“May 29–June 4. Matthew 26; Mark 14; John 13: ‘In Remembrance,’” Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 (2022)

“May 29–June 4. Matthew 26; Mark 14; John 13,” Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: 2023

Last Supper

In Remembrance of Me, by Walter Rane

May 29–June 4

Matthew 26; Mark 14; John 13

“In Remembrance”

As you read about the events described in Matthew 26; Mark 14; and John 13, pay attention to any impressions you receive, especially those impressions that deepen your faith in Jesus Christ and your commitment to Him.

Record Your Impressions

The day before He died, Jesus gave His disciples something to remember Him by. He “took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body. And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; for this is my blood” (Matthew 26:26–28).

That happened about 2,000 years ago, in a place most of us will never see, in a language few of us can understand. But now, every Sunday in our own meeting places, priesthood holders, authorized to act in the name of Jesus Christ, do what He once did. They take bread and water, bless it, and give it to each of us, His disciples. It’s a simple act—can there be anything simpler, more fundamental, than eating bread and drinking water? But that bread and water are sacred to us because they help us remember Him. They’re our way of saying, “I’ll never forget Him”—not just, “I’ll never forget what I’ve read about His teachings and His life.” Rather, we are saying, “I’ll never forget what He did for me.” “I’ll never forget how He rescued me when I cried out for help.” And “I’ll never forget His commitment to me and my commitment to Him—the covenant we have made.”

personal study icon

Ideas for Personal Scripture Study

Matthew 26:6–13; Mark 14:3–9

“She is come … to anoint my body to the burying.”

With a humble act of worship, the woman described in these verses showed that she knew who Jesus was and what He was about to do (see Matthew 26:12). Why do you think her actions were so meaningful to the Savior? (see verse 13). What impresses you about the woman and her faith? Ponder how you can follow her example.

See also John 12:1–8.

Matthew 26:20–22; Mark 14:17–19

“Lord, is it I?”

What do you learn about the disciples from their question to the Lord in these verses? Why do you think they asked it? Consider how you might ask the Lord, “Is it I?”

See also Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Lord, Is It I?,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2014, 56–59.

Matthew 26:26–29; Mark 14:22–25

The sacrament is an opportunity to remember the Savior.

When the Savior introduced the sacrament to His disciples, what thoughts and feelings do you imagine they would have had? Think about this as you read about their experience in Matthew 26:26–29 and Mark 14:22–25. Why do you think Jesus chose this way for us to remember Him? You might also ponder experiences you have had during the sacrament. Is there anything you could do to make your experience more sacred and meaningful?

After reading and pondering these verses, you might write down some things you feel inspired to remember about the Savior. You could review these things the next time you take the sacrament. You could also review them at other times, as a way to “always remember him” (Moroni 4:3).

See also Luke 22:7–39; 3 Nephi 18:1–13; Doctrine and Covenants 20:76–79; Gospel Topics, “Sacrament,”; “Always Remember Him” (video),

John 13:1–17

The Savior is our example of humbly serving others.

In Jesus’s time, washing another person’s feet was a task for servants, not leaders. But Jesus wanted His disciples to think differently about what it means to lead and to serve. What messages do you find in the Savior’s words and actions in John 13:1–17? In your culture, washing others’ feet may not be a customary way to serve. But consider what you can do to follow the Savior’s example of humble service.

It might also be interesting to notice the things that Jesus knew and felt during this sacred time with His Apostles (see verses 1 and 3). What do these insights help you understand about the Savior?

See also Luke 22:24–27.

John 13:34–35

My love for others is a sign that I am a true disciple of Jesus Christ.

Earlier, Jesus had given a commandment to “love thy neighbour as thyself” (Matthew 22:39). Now He gave “a new commandment.” What do you think it means to love others as Jesus loves you? (see John 13:34).

You might also ponder how other people know that you are a disciple of Jesus Christ. How can you make sure that love is your defining characteristic as a Christian?

family study icon

Ideas for Family Scripture Study and Home Evening

Matthew 26:26–29; Mark 14:22–25.What is your family’s experience like during the sacrament each week? Reading about the first sacrament could inspire a discussion about the importance of the sacrament and ways to improve your experience. Consider displaying the picture Passing the Sacrament (Gospel Art Book, no. 108) and sharing ideas about what you can do before, during, and after the sacrament.

woman taking sacrament

The sacrament helps us remember Jesus Christ.

Matthew 26:30.Consider singing a hymn, as Jesus and His Apostles did—perhaps a sacrament hymn. How might singing a hymn have been a blessing to Jesus and His Apostles at that time? How are hymns a blessing to us?

John 13:1–17.You may want to show your family the picture at the end of this outline as you read these verses. What truths did the Savior teach by His actions? What details in the picture help us understand these truths? Perhaps family members could share how living by these truths has brought them happiness (see John 13:17).

John 13:34–35.After reading these verses, you might talk together about how other people know that you are disciples of Jesus Christ. How does the Savior want His followers to be known? You could ask family members to talk about people whose love for others shows that they are true disciples of Jesus Christ. You might also discuss ways you could show more love as a family.

For more ideas for teaching children, see this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Primary.

Suggested song: “Love One Another,” Children’s Songbook, 136.

Improving Personal Study

Ponder. The scriptures have spiritual meanings that we may miss if we read too casually, as we would other reading material. Don’t be in a hurry to finish a chapter. Take time to think deeply about what you are reading.

Jesus washing disciples’ feet

Greatest in the Kingdom, by J. Kirk Richards
