“June 15–21. Alma 13–16: ‘Enter into the Rest of the Lord,’” Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 (2020)
“June 15–21. Alma 13–16,” Come, Follow Me—For Primary: 2020
Illustration of Alma and Amulek being delivered from prison, by Andrew Bosley
June 15–21
Alma 13–16
“Enter into the Rest of the Lord”
You are with the children in your class for only a short time each week. You will bless their lives profoundly if you can inspire them to continue learning from the Book of Mormon outside of class—especially with their families.
Record Your Impressions
Invite Sharing
Give the children opportunities to share what they already know about the stories in Alma 13–16. To help them, show pictures such as those in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families or “Chapter 22: Alma’s Mission to Ammonihah” (Book of Mormon Stories, 58–63).
Teach the Doctrine: Younger Children
The priesthood helps me come unto Christ.
Prayerfully ponder what the children in your class need to understand from what Alma taught about the priesthood in these verses.
Priesthood ordinances help us look to Jesus Christ for redemption.
Possible Activities
Ask the children to repeat with you a simple definition of the priesthood, such as “the priesthood is the power of God.”
Open the scriptures to Alma 13:2, and tell the children that God calls priesthood holders “that thereby the people might … look forward to his Son.” To illustrate how priesthood holders do this, show pictures of ways priesthood holders serve (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 38–41, 103–9), and then share stories about ways Jesus served (see Matthew 26:26–28; Mark 5:22–24, 35–43).
Turn to Alma 13:6, and explain that priesthood holders “teach [God’s] commandments unto the children of men.” Help the children think of priesthood holders they know of. How do they teach the commandments? Invite the children to draw a picture of a priesthood holder they know teaching someone God’s commandments.
Heavenly Father strengthens me according to my faith.
The account of Alma and Amulek being delivered from prison can inspire the children to turn to the Lord when they need help.
Possible Activities
Display the figures of Alma and Amulek on this week’s activity page as you tell the story in Alma 14:18–29. You could also refer to “Chapter 22: Alma’s Mission to Ammonihah” (Book of Mormon Stories, 58–63, or the corresponding video on ChurchofJesusChrist.org). Let the children take turns using the figures to tell the story. Emphasize that Alma and Amulek were given strength to escape the prison “according to [their] faith which is in Christ” (Alma 14:26).
Help the children imagine how Alma and Amulek might have felt while in prison, and invite them to act out these feelings (see verse 22). Explain that Alma asked the Lord for help (see verse 26). Testify that God will strengthen us when we pray with faith.
Use this week’s activity page to teach the children about some ways God strengthens those who have faith. While the children are coloring the activity page, tell about a time when God gave you strength.
I am blessed when I follow the prophet.
Zoram, the chief captain of the Nephite armies, knew that Alma was a prophet and sought his guidance. Because of this, Zoram was successful.
Possible Activities
Share in your own words the account in Alma 16:1–8. Emphasize that because Zoram and the Nephite armies followed the prophet Alma, the Nephites were able to rescue their friends who were being held as prisoners by the Lamanites. Share an experience when you were blessed because you followed the prophet.
Show a picture of the President of the Church, and share a few things he has taught us to do. Help the children think of ways they can follow Jesus by doing what His prophet teaches us.
Show pictures of prophets (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 6–9, 14, 18, 26–27) as you sing with the children a song about prophets, such as “Follow the Prophet” (Children’s Songbook, 110–11). Emphasize phrases in the song that teach why we should follow the prophet.
Teach the Doctrine: Older Children
The priesthood helps me come unto Christ.
As you read Alma 13:1–19, what do you find that deepens your reverence for the priesthood? What do you feel inspired to share with the children you teach? The following ideas might help.
Possible Activities
Read with the children Alma 13:10 and 13, searching for traits a priesthood holder should have. Ask them to think of people they know who are good examples of these traits.
Help the children make a list of ordinances we receive through the priesthood (see “Ordinances” in True to the Faith, 109–10). Ask someone to read Alma 13:16. How do these ordinances help us “look forward to [Jesus Christ] for a remission of [our] sins”?
Ask the children if they know how the Melchizedek Priesthood got its name. Help them find the answer in Alma 13:14–19 and Doctrine and Covenants 107:1–4. What do we learn from Melchizedek about how the priesthood should be used?
Heavenly Father strengthens me according to my faith.
Alma and Amulek were in prison for many days before the Lord freed them. This story can help the children learn that their trials may not have quick or easy solutions, but the Lord will strengthen them “according to [their] faith” (Alma 14:26).
Possible Activities
Write questions on the board to help the children search for details from Alma 14:18–29, such as What did the judges do to Alma and Amulek in prison? or How did they show their faith in Jesus Christ? Give each child a verse or two to read, looking for answers to the questions.
Invite the children to draw pictures of scenes from Alma 14:18–29, and then let them use their pictures to tell the story. How can we be like Alma and Amulek?
Share an experience in which you showed faith in the Lord and He gave you strength to overcome or endure a trial. Encourage the children to share similar experiences they’ve had.
The gospel can change hearts.
Zeezrom actively opposed Alma and Amulek at first, but their testimonies touched his heart and inspired him to repent. As you study these verses, consider how Zeezrom’s experience might inspire the children you teach.
Possible Activities
Review with the children what they learned last week about Zeezrom. Read together Alma 15:3–12 to discover how he changed.
Invite the children to imagine they met Zeezrom before he repented. What would they say to help him believe the gospel? They could compare what they would say with what Alma and Amulek taught Zeezrom (see Alma 11:40–46; 15:6–11). Why might knowing these truths help someone want to change?
Encourage Learning at Home
Invite the children to think of something they can do this week to show their faith in the Lord. Encourage them to share their plans and experiences with their families.
Improving Our Teaching
Learn to recognize revelation. “Revelation often comes ‘line upon line’ (2 Nephi 28:30), not all at once. … As you ponder how the gospel principles you are teaching will bless your class members, ideas and impressions will come throughout your daily life—as you travel to work, do household chores, or interact with family and friends” (Teaching in the Savior’s Way, 12).