Come, Follow Me
July 27–August 2. Alma 39–42: “The Great Plan of Happiness”

“July 27–August 2. Alma 39–42: ‘The Great Plan of Happiness,’” Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 (2020)

“July 27–August 2. Alma 39–42,” Come, Follow Me—For Primary: 2020

Jesus and Mary

Woman, Why Weepest Thou? by Mark R. Pugh

July 27–August 2

Alma 39–42

“The Great Plan of Happiness”

After prayerfully studying Alma 39–42, plan activities to help the children learn. You may find ideas among the following activities that can be adapted to any age-group.

Record Your Impressions

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Invite Sharing

Invite each child to stand up and share something about the gospel he or she has learned recently at home or at church.

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Teach the Doctrine: Younger Children

Alma 39:1, 10–11

I can be a good example.

Alma encouraged Corianton to learn from the good example of his brothers and warned Corianton not to be a negative example for others.

Possible Activities

  • Explain that Shiblon and Corianton were brothers and that Shiblon was a good example for Corianton. Invite the children to repeat this question with you: “Has he not set a good example for thee?” (Alma 39:1). Ask the children to talk about someone who is a good example for them.

  • Play a game or sing a song in which the children follow or imitate you, such as “Do as I’m Doing” (Children’s Songbook, 276). Let each child have a turn being the leader or example. Ask the children how they can be a good example to someone.

  • Show pictures of Jesus doing good things, and explain that He is our perfect example. Explain that we can be good examples, like Jesus was. Invite the children to draw pictures of themselves being good examples.

Alma 39:9, 13

Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ can help me correct my mistakes.

Even though young children do not need to repent, telling them about Corianton could help them begin to understand what repentance means.

Possible Activities

  • Without going into detail about the nature of his sins, explain that Corianton made a wrong choice. What could we say to help him? Read to the children what Alma, Corianton’s father, said to him: “Ye should repent and forsake your sins” (Alma 39:9). Tell them that “repent” means that we ask Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ to forgive us and help us correct our mistakes and that we then try to be more like Them.

  • Give a child something heavy to hold while you tell a story about someone who did something wrong and felt bad. Tell the children that the object is like the bad feelings we may have when we make a mistake. Take the heavy object from the child as you testify that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ can take away the heavy, bad feelings and help us correct our mistakes when we repent. Sing together a song about repentance, such as “Repentance”(Children’s Songbook, 98).

Alma 40:23

I will be resurrected.

Help the children look forward to the day when they and their loved ones will be resurrected.

Possible Activities

  • While you read Alma 40:23 aloud, have the children use this week’s activity page to help them visualize what this verse is teaching. Invite each child to use the activity page to teach another child what resurrection is.

  • Show a picture of the resurrected Savior, and teach the children a song about the Resurrection, such as “Did Jesus Really Live Again?” or “He Is Risen” (Children’s Songbook, 64; Hymns, no. 199). Pause periodically to explain the meaning and significance of the words and phrases.

  • Ask the children if someone they know has died. Bear your testimony that someday that person and everyone else will be resurrected because of Jesus Christ. If needed, use this week’s activity page to explain what it means to be resurrected.

    Mary and Jesus

    Mary and the Resurrected Lord, by Harry Anderson

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Teach the Doctrine: Older Children

Alma 39:1, 10–11

I can be a good example.

Alma’s counsel to Corianton can help the children understand the importance of following and being good examples.

Possible Activities

  • Explain that Alma’s son Corianton committed a serious sin while he should have been preaching the gospel. Read the last half of Alma 39:11 with the children, and ask them to listen for how Corianton’s sin affected the Zoramites. Help the children think of people who may be influenced by their actions. How can they be good examples for these people?

  • Read together Alma 39:1. How was Corianton’s brother Shiblon a good example? Ask the children to find additional answers to this question in Alma 38:2–4. Tell about some good examples in your life, and invite the children to do the same. Show the video “Lessons I Learned as a Boy” (, and ask the children how the older boy was a good example.


    Gordon Hinckley: Lessons I Learned as a Boy

  • Bring a flashlight or a picture of the sun, and compare light to the power of a righteous example. Just as the light from a flashlight or the sun can help us see a path we need to follow, a righteous example shows us what to do in order to follow Heavenly Father. Share an experience when someone’s good example helped you. What can the children do to be a good example to others? Testify that Jesus Christ is our perfect example.

Alma 39:9–13

I can repent when I make mistakes.

Just like all of us, the children you teach sin and make mistakes. How can you inspire them to “forsake [their] sins” and repent? (Alma 39:9).

Possible Activities

  • Ask the children to share an experience when they got hurt. What did they do to help their injury heal? Explain that sin injures our spirits, but the Savior can heal us when we repent.

  • Ask the children to find the phrase “repent and forsake your sins” in Alma 39:9, and help them understand what “repent” and “forsake” mean. Testify that repentance is possible through Jesus Christ and His Atonement. Read together Alma 39:10–14 to find other things we can do that will help us repent and avoid sin.

Alma 40:6–7, 11–14, 21–23

After death, our spirits go to the spirit world until the Resurrection and Judgment.

It’s natural to wonder what happens to us after we die. Alma’s words can help the children find inspired answers.

Possible Activities

  • Write death, spirit world, resurrection, and judgment on separate pieces of paper, and place them on the board in random order. Help the children understand what these terms mean. Read Alma 40:6–7, 11–14, and 21–23 with the children, and ask them to put the words on the board in the order in which they occur.

  • Write on the board a list of questions that can be answered by Alma 40:6–7, 11–14, and 21–23, and invite the children to match each question with the verses that answer it. For example, “What will my body be like when I am resurrected?” can be answered by Alma 40:23. If necessary, explain difficult words to the children while they read. Encourage the children to share why they are grateful for Heavenly Father’s plan.

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Encourage Learning at Home

Encourage the children to thank a family member who has been a good example to them and to think of one way they can be good examples this week.

Improving Our Teaching

Involve the senses. “Most children (and adults) learn best when multiple senses are involved. Find ways to help the children use their senses of sight, hearing, and touch as they learn” (Teaching in the Savior’s Way, 25).