Come, Follow Me
September 7–13. 3 Nephi 1–7: “Lift Up Your Head and Be of Good Cheer”

“September 7–13. 3 Nephi 1–7: ‘Lift Up Your Head and Be of Good Cheer,’” Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 (2020)

“September 7–13. 3 Nephi 1–7,” Come, Follow Me—For Primary: 2020

Nephites witness the day with no night

One Day, One Night, and One Day, by Jorge Cocco

September 7–13

3 Nephi 1–7

“Lift Up Your Head and Be of Good Cheer”

If you need additional ideas as you prepare to teach, see “Additional Resources for Teaching Children” and “Meeting the Needs of Younger Children” at the beginning of this resource.

Record Your Impressions

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Invite Sharing

Invite the children to share what they remember learning last week about the signs Samuel the Lamanite said would help the people know that Jesus was born. Tell the children that today they will talk about the people who saw those signs happen.

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Teach the Doctrine: Younger Children

3 Nephi 1:4–15, 19–21

A new star appeared when Jesus Christ was born.

The New Testament account of the Savior’s birth is well known, even by children. This week is a great opportunity to teach the children in your class about the miracles the Nephites witnessed when Jesus was born.

Possible Activities

  • Before class, place a star on the wall. Invite the children to look for something on the wall that usually isn’t there. Tell the children that the Nephites saw a new star in the sky when Jesus was born. Summarize the account in 3 Nephi 1:4–15 and 19–21. You could also use “Chapter 41: The Signs of Christ’s Birth” (Book of Mormon Stories, 114–16, or the corresponding video on

  • Show the children a picture of the Savior’s birth (see Gospel Art Book, no. 30), and sing a favorite Christmas song, such as “The Nativity Song” (Children’s Songbook, 52–53). Help the children understand that the Nephites were far away from where Jesus was born, but they knew He was born because of the signs they saw. Testify that even though we did not see the Savior’s birth, the Holy Ghost can help us know that the stories about it in the scriptures are true.

3 Nephi 1:20

The prophets’ words are always fulfilled.

The Lord told Nephi, “I [will] show unto the world that I will fulfil all that which I have caused to be spoken by the mouth of my holy prophets” (3 Nephi 1:13).

Possible Activities

  • Show pictures that depict how God has spoken through prophets, such as Noah (Gospel Art Book, nos. 78; see Genesis 6–7) and Samuel the Lamanite (Gospel Art Book, no. 81; see Helaman 14:1–7). Invite the children to share what they know about these stories.

  • Read to the children 3 Nephi 1:20, and share your testimony that the words of prophets are always fulfilled. Invite the children to listen to the prophet at the next general conference.

3 Nephi 5:13

I can follow Jesus Christ.

Mormon declared, “I am a disciple of Jesus Christ.” How can you help the children see themselves as disciples too?

Possible Activities

  • Read 3 Nephi 5:13, and invite the children to repeat the phrase “I am a disciple of Jesus Christ.” Teach them that a disciple of Jesus Christ tries to follow Him. Share a few things Mormon did to be like Jesus, such as teaching God’s word and obeying God’s commandments (see 3 Nephi 5:13–18). Help the children think of ways they can be disciples.

  • On a piece of paper, help the children trace their hand and cut it out. Write “I am a disciple of Jesus Christ” on one side, and invite them to draw something they can do to be a disciple on the other side (you might need to help them think of ideas). Sing together a song about following the Savior, such as “I’m Trying to Be like Jesus” (Children’s Songbook, 78–79).

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Teach the Doctrine: Older Children

3 Nephi 1:4–21

God’s promises, given through His prophets, are always fulfilled.

The account in 3 Nephi 1:4–21 can help build the children’s faith that God always keeps His promises.

Possible Activities

  • Invite the children to compare the prophecy of Samuel the Lamanite in Helaman 14:1–7 with its fulfillment in 3 Nephi 1:19–21. Testify that God’s promises spoken through His prophets are always fulfilled.

  • Read with the children the account found in 3 Nephi 1:4–10. Ask the children how they might have felt if they had been one of the believers living at that time. Invite the children to read the rest of the account in verses 11–15 and to suggest ways to complete this sentence: “The lesson of this story is …” How can we show our trust in God when we are worried or discouraged?

  • Share something that our living prophet has promised us. What can we do to show our faith that the prophet’s words came from God?

3 Nephi 2:11–12; 3:13–14, 24–26

We are stronger when we gather together.

The Nephites had to gather together for physical safety. How can you help the children see that gathering together with righteous friends can also give them spiritual strength?

Possible Activities

  • Read with the children the following verses, and invite them to look for reasons why the Nephites gathered together and the blessings that came to them: 3 Nephi 2:11–12 and 3:13–14, 24–26. Why is it important for us to “gather” today in our families and at church? How can gathering make us spiritually stronger?

  • Use an object lesson to teach that we are stronger together than we are apart. For example, invite the children to try breaking one stick and then a bundle of sticks or tearing one piece of paper and then a stack of papers. How are we like the sticks or the paper? How can we strengthen each other when we gather together in our families or at church?

  • Explain that Jesus is gathering His people into the Church today through missionary work (see 3 Nephi 5:24–26). Invite a full-time missionary or ward missionary to share experiences showing how people have been strengthened by being gathered into the Church.

3 Nephi 4:30–33; 5:12–26; 6:14; 7:15–26

I am a disciple of Jesus Christ.

How can you help the children see themselves as disciples of Jesus Christ, as Mormon did? (see 3 Nephi 5:13).

Possible Activities

  • Show a picture of Mormon (such as Gospel Art Book, no. 73). Invite each child to take a turn and repeat what Mormon said in 3 Nephi 5:13: “I am a disciple of Jesus Christ.” What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? (see Doctrine and Covenants 41:5).

  • Divide the class into small groups, and assign each group to read about one of the following examples of disciples: the converted Lamanites (see 3 Nephi 4:30–33; 6:14), Mormon (see 3 Nephi 5:12–26), and Nephi (see 3 Nephi 7:15–26). How were these people true disciples of Jesus Christ? What can we do to follow their examples?

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Encourage Learning at Home

Invite the children to think of something they will do this week to be disciples of Christ. Encourage them to write it down and share it with their families.

Improving Our Teaching

Display a scripture. Select a verse you find meaningful (or invite the children to select one), and display it in your classroom where the children will see it often. You might display it for several weeks and refer to it occasionally.
