Come, Follow Me
November 2–8. Mormon 7–9: “I Speak unto You as If Ye Were Present”

“November 2–8. Mormon 7–9: ‘I Speak unto You as If Ye Were Present,’” Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 (2020)

“November 2–8. Mormon 7–9,” Come, Follow Me—For Primary: 2020

Moroni writing on golden plates

Moroni Writing on Gold Plates, by Dale Kilborn

November 2–8

Mormon 7–9

“I Speak unto You as If Ye Were Present”

As you read Mormon 7–9, consider what you most desire the children you teach to know. Make plans to teach the truths you feel will bless their lives.

Record Your Impressions

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Invite Sharing

Pass around a copy of the Book of Mormon. Invite the children, when it is their turn to hold the book, to share one thing they have learned from it. If they need help, remind them of things they have learned recently in class.

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Teach the Doctrine: Younger Children

Mormon 7:8–10

The Book of Mormon and the Bible both testify of Jesus Christ.

Mormon taught that the Book of Mormon was written to help us believe the Bible and that those who believe the Bible will believe the Book of Mormon.

Possible Activities

  • Show the children the title page of the Book of Mormon, and point to the words of the title as you read it, emphasizing the word another. Help the children think of other books of scripture that teach us about Jesus. Show them that the Bible has the Old Testament and the New Testament. Help the children say “Old Testament, New Testament” when you point to the Bible and “Another Testament” when you point to the Book of Mormon.

  • Display a world map or the activity page for this outline, along with a Bible and Book of Mormon. Use these items to teach the children that the Bible is a record of Jesus’s teachings in and around Jerusalem and the Book of Mormon is a record of His teachings in the Americas.

  • Choose several events and truths that both the Bible and the Book of Mormon testify of, such as Jesus’s birth, death, and Resurrection. Show pictures from the Gospel Art Book that depict these events and truths. Ask the children to describe what they see in the pictures, and tell them that both the Bible and the Book of Mormon teach about these things.

Mormon 8:3

I can choose the right even when I feel alone.

Moroni was the last righteous Nephite, but he stayed true to his testimony. Help the children learn from his example.

Possible Activities

  • Read Mormon 8:3, emphasizing that Moroni was all alone, but he still kept the commandments, including the commandment to finish the Book of Mormon. Share a time when you were faithful even when you felt alone.

  • After discussing Moroni’s example, share some scenarios in which a child must decide whether or not to choose the right, even though no one is looking. What would Moroni have done?

  • Sing with the children a song about choosing the right, such as “Stand for the Right” (Children’s Songbook, 159). Why is it important to choose the right all the time, even when you are alone?

Mormon 9:7–21

God is “a God of miracles.”

Help the children understand that miracles are important in God’s work and that God will work miracles when His people have faith.

Possible Activities

  • Explain that a miracle is something God does to show His power and bless our lives (see Bible Dictionary, “Miracles”). Read words and phrases from Mormon 9:11–13, 17 that describe some of God’s miracles. Help the children think of other miracles found in the scriptures (pictures from the Gospel Art Book, such as nos. 26, 40, 41, and 83, can help). Testify that God worked miracles in ancient times and He still works miracles today.

  • Share an experience when you have seen miracles in the Church today or in your own life. Bear your testimony that God is “a God of miracles” (Mormon 9:11).

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Teach the Doctrine: Older Children

Mormon 7:8–10

The Book of Mormon and the Bible both testify of Jesus Christ.

Mormon taught that the “gospel of Christ … shall be set before [us]” in both the Bible and the Book of Mormon. Consider how you will teach the children that both sacred books are important to us.

Possible Activities

  • Write Mormon 7:9 on the board, but leave blanks in place of the words this and that. Also write on the board this = the Book of Mormon and that = the Bible. Invite the children to read Mormon 7:9 out loud and use the phrases on the board to fill in the blanks. What do we learn about the Bible and the Book of Mormon from this verse?

  • Display a Book of Mormon and a Bible. Share a few stories from each book, showing pictures if available (see the Gospel Art Book). Invite the children to point to the book the story comes from. Why do we need both books?

  • Write each word of the eighth article of faith on separate pieces of paper. Give one or two words to each child, and invite the children to work together to put the words in the correct order. Then ask them to repeat the article of faith several times. What does it teach us?

    copies of the Book of Mormon in different languages

    The Book of Mormon testifies of Jesus Christ.

Mormon 8:1–7

I can choose the right even when I feel alone.

Moroni’s determination to “fulfil the commandment of [his] father,” even though his father had died, can inspire the children to obey God’s commandments.

Possible Activities

  • Read Mormon 8:1–7 with the children, and invite them to share how they would have felt if they had been Moroni. Ask them to look again at verses 1, 3, and 4 to find what Moroni was commanded to do. How did Moroni “fulfil the commandment of [his] father”? How can we be more like Moroni?

  • Invite the children to each write down a situation in which they have to make a choice between right or wrong when no one is watching. Put their ideas in a container, and let the children take turns picking a situation and sharing what they would do to be like Moroni.

Mormon 8:24–26; 9:7–26

God is “a God of miracles.”

There are many people today who don’t believe that miracles still happen. Use Moroni’s teachings in these verses to teach the children that when we have faith, we can see God work miracles in our lives.

Possible Activities

  • Show the children a recipe. What would happen if you left out an essential ingredient? Invite the children to search Mormon 8:24 and 9:20–21 to find the necessary “ingredient” that we must have before God can work miracles. Share examples of miracles—big or small—that you have seen in the Church or in your life. Invite the children to share their own examples.

  • Divide the children into two teams. Invite each team to look for examples of miracles in some or all of these scriptures: Mormon 8:24; 9:11–13, 16–18, 21–25. What could we say to someone who thinks miracles don’t happen anymore? (see Mormon 9:9, 15–21).

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Encourage Learning at Home

Invite the children to ask a family member to describe a miracle that strengthened his or her testimony.

Improving Our Teaching

Children can recognize the influence of the Spirit. Teach the children that the feelings of peace, love, and warmth they have when they talk or sing of Jesus Christ and His gospel come from the Holy Ghost (see Teaching in the Savior’s Way, 11).
