Come, Follow Me
March 7–13. 2 Nephi 31–33: Following the Example of the Son of God

“March 7–13. 2 Nephi 31–33: Following the Example of the Son of God,” Come, Follow Me: For Sunday School (2015), 22–23

“March 7–13. 2 Nephi 31–33: Following the Example of the Son of God,” For Sunday School, 22–23

2 Nephi 31–33

March 7–13

Following the Example of the Son of God

Preparing to Teach in Sunday School

Begin your preparation to teach by reading 2 Nephi 31–33 before studying any supplemental material. Prepare your teaching plan, and record your thoughts and impressions. You might also use some of the ideas on the next page or in Come, Follow Me for individuals and families.

Encourage Sharing

  • How can you encourage class members to share insights they had as they studied these scriptures individually and with their family?

  • What experiences have class members had as they acted on what they learned?

Teach the Doctrine

  • As you teach gospel principles from these scriptures, what verses, quotations, experiences, questions, and other materials might you share?

  • How might you use these resources to help class members ponder the gospel principles?

  • How can you encourage class members to record and act upon the impressions they receive?

Encourage Sharing and Learning at Home

  • To encourage class members to read Jacob 1–4 during the week, you could invite them to consider ways that Jacob’s counsel on materialism and immorality applies to our time.

My Teaching Plan

Additional Ideas

2 Nephi 31. The doctrine of Christ leads us along the path toward eternal life.

  • This chapter provides a good summary of what Nephi called the “doctrine of Christ” (see 2 Nephi 31:2, 21). How could we use this chapter to teach others about the doctrine of Christ?

  • Think of a road or hiking path. What markers—painted lines, guardrails, hedges—help us stay on the path? In this chapter, and elsewhere in the scriptures, the Lord refers to a path to describe what we must do to obtain eternal life—a “strait [exacting] and narrow path” (2 Nephi 31:18), with requirements that we all must meet. According to this chapter, what are some of these requirements? How would we draw or illustrate the path and the requirements? How can the principles in 2 Nephi 31:20 help us stay on the path to eternal life?

2 Nephi 31:20; 32:3–5. We are commanded to feast on the words of Christ.

  • What have we done to improve our habit of daily scripture study? What do we do to make our study meaningful each day?

  • Twice in these verses, Nephi refers to “feasting” on the words of Christ. Why would Nephi emphasize this principle? What does it mean to “feast upon the words of Christ”? (2 Nephi 32:3). What is the difference between feasting and snacking in regard to both food and the words of Christ? Ask the class to share experiences when the words of Christ showed them what to do.

2 Nephi 32:8–9. We must pray always.

  • Consider asking class members if they used the family home evening activity in this week’s study outline from Come, Follow Me for individuals and families. What insights could they share?

  • Prayer is not just for times of crisis; Nephi taught that we “must pray always” (2 Nephi 32:9). Ask class members to think of stories from Nephi’s life. What experiences did he have that taught him this truth? How have we experienced the blessings of consistent prayer? How does prayer “consecrate” our efforts “for the welfare of [our souls]”? (2 Nephi 32:9).

Optional Resource

Object Lesson: President Russell M. Nelson said, “Even more amazing than modern technology is our opportunity to access information directly from heaven, without hardware, software, or monthly service fees” (“Ask, Seek, Knock,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2009, 81). Bring in a communication device, such as a phone, and ask class members to think of the ways we use this object and how these uses are similar to prayer.
