Come, Follow Me
February 29–March 6. 2 Nephi 26–30: ‘A Marvelous Work and a Wonder’

“February 29–March 6. 2 Nephi 26–30: ‘A Marvelous Work and a Wonder’” Come, Follow Me: For Sunday School (2015), 20–21

“February 29–March 6. 2 Nephi 26–30: ‘A Marvelous Work and a Wonder’” For Sunday School, 20–21

2 Nephi 26–30

February 29–March 6

“A Marvelous Work and a Wonder”

Preparing to Teach in Sunday School

Begin your preparation to teach by reading 2 Nephi 26–30 before studying any supplemental material. Prepare your teaching plan and record your thoughts and impressions. You might also use some of the ideas on the next page or in Come, Follow Me for individuals and families.

Encourage Sharing

  • How can you encourage class members to share insights they had as they studied these scriptures individually and with their family?

  • What experiences have class members had as they acted on what they learned?

Teach the Doctrine

  • As you teach gospel principles from these scriptures, what verses, quotations, experiences, questions, and other materials might you share?

  • How might you use these resources to help class members ponder the gospel principles?

  • How can you encourage class members to record and act upon the impressions they receive?

Encourage Sharing and Learning at Home

  • To inspire your class members to read 2 Nephi 31–33 this week, you could encourage them to think about the path toward eternal life as they read.

My Teaching Plan

Additional Ideas

2 Nephi 26–30. The Book of Mormon was written for our day.

  • You could invite a class member to explain how to use the tools in the Gospel Library app to enhance scripture study.

  • One way to review these chapters is to make a list of the prophecies about the latter days that are found in them. How have these prophecies been fulfilled, or how are they being fulfilled today? (See the “Optional Resource” below for a story illustrating how 2 Nephi 27:15–20 was fulfilled.) How does the fulfillment of these prophecies strengthen our faith? (See also Ezekiel 37:15–17.)

  • What do we learn in these chapters about the tactics of Satan, and how can we overcome his efforts to deceive us?

2 Nephi 26:24–33. God invites all of us to come unto Him and partake of His salvation.

  • What did we mark or make note of in our reading this week? Can any of us share something we learned or that our families learned?

  • As we come to understand God’s love for us, we desire to reach out and help others receive this love, even those who don’t seem interested in His gospel (see 2 Nephi 26:24–33). What are some of the ways we are reaching out in love to invite people around us to come unto Christ? Perhaps the full-time missionaries or a recently returned missionary could contribute to this part of the discussion.

2 Nephi 29:6–14. God continues to give revelation to His children.

  • How have we acted on impressions that we received during a previous class or during our study of the scriptures?

  • To help class members understand that God speaks to us today as He has in the past, you could invite individuals to come prepared to share portions of a general conference talk that was meaningful to them. How is general conference a fulfillment of the promises in 2 Nephi 29:9–10? How have we been blessed by continuing revelation—both personal revelation and the teachings of living prophets? What are some other blessings we have received because of living prophets? (See also Ephesians 1:17–18.)

Optional Resource

Story: “I Cannot Read a Sealed Book”

In February 1828, Martin Harris took a copy of some of the characters from the gold plates, along with their translation, to New York City. He showed these to Professor Charles Anthon of Columbia University. According to Martin Harris, “Professor Anthon stated … that they were Egyptian, Chaldaic, Assyriac, and Arabic; and he said they were true characters. He gave me a certificate, certifying … that they were true characters. … I took the certificate and put it into my pocket, and was just leaving the house, when Mr. Anthon called me back, and asked me how the young man found out that there were gold plates in the place where he found them. I answered that an angel of God had revealed it unto him.

“He then said to me, ‘Let me see that certificate.’ I accordingly took it out of my pocket and gave it to him, when he took it and tore it to pieces, saying that there was no such thing now as ministering of angels, and that if I would bring the plates to him he would translate them. I informed him that part of the plates were sealed, and that I was forbidden to bring them. He replied, ‘I cannot read a sealed book’” (Joseph Smith—History 1:64–65). How does this story relate to the prophecies in 2 Nephi 27? What else do we learn from this story?
