Come, Follow Me
February 22–28. 2 Nephi 11–25: ‘We Rejoice in Christ’

“February 22–28. 2 Nephi 11–25: ‘We Rejoice in Christ’” Come, Follow Me: For Sunday School (2015), 18–19

“February 22–28. 2 Nephi 11–25: ‘We Rejoice in Christ’” For Sunday School, 18–19

2 Nephi 11–25

February 22–28

“We Rejoice in Christ”

Preparing to Teach in Sunday School

Begin your preparation to teach by reading 2 Nephi 11–25 before studying any supplemental material. Prepare your teaching plan and record your thoughts and impressions. You might also use some of the ideas on the next page or in Come, Follow Me for individuals and families.

Encourage Sharing

  • How can you encourage class members to share insights they had as they studied these scriptures individually and with their family?

  • What experiences have class members had as they acted on what they learned?

Teach the Doctrine

  • As you teach gospel principles from these scriptures, what verses, quotations, experiences, questions, and other materials might you share?

  • How might you use these resources to help class members ponder the gospel principles?

  • How can you encourage class members to record and act upon the impressions they receive?

Encourage Sharing and Learning at Home

  • Encourage class members to read 2 Nephi 26–30 this week and look for what inspires them to be better missionaries.

My Teaching Plan

Additional Ideas

2 Nephi 12:1–3. In the temple the Lord will “teach us of His ways.”

  • How have we seen the prophecies in 2 Nephi 12:1–3 fulfilled? How have our experiences in the temple helped us “walk in [God’s] paths”? (2 Nephi 12:3).

  • Referring to 2 Nephi 12:2–3, President Gordon B. Hinckley said, “I believe that prophecy applies to the historic and wonderful Salt Lake Temple. But I believe also that it is related to [the Conference Center]. For it is from this pulpit that the law of God shall go forth, together with the word and testimony of the Lord” (“This Great Millennial Year,” Ensign, Nov. 2000, 69). What messages from recent general conferences have taught us about the Lord’s ways?

2 Nephi 15:11–20. We can avoid being deceived by false teachings.

  • How is our teaching in the home helping our families avoid false teachings? What advice can we share with each other?

  • 2 Nephi 15:18 addresses those who draw sin “as it were with a cart rope.” Isaiah 5:18, footnote c defines this phrase as meaning “they are tied to their sins like beasts to their burdens.” What do we learn from this analogy? What other analogies for sin do we find effective?

2 Nephi 25:19–30. “The right way is to believe in Christ.”

  • What truths from our reading this week inspire us to “talk of Christ” and “rejoice in Christ”? (2 Nephi 25).

  • As we read 2 Nephi 25:23–26, whom do we know (including people in the scriptures) who are good examples of teaching their families and others about Christ? What qualities make these people good examples of teaching others about Christ? What are some natural, easy ways we can talk of Christ and share the message of hope and healing found in the gospel?

Optional Resource

Hymn: “I Believe in Christ,” (Hymns, no. 134)

How could you use this song to enhance your discussion of 2 Nephi 25:19–30? For example, you could watch a video (, listen to a recording, or read the lyrics together.
