undefined undefined Single Expectant Parents
Ward or Branch Callings
Single Expectant Parents

“Single Expectant Parents,” Counseling Resources (2020).

“Single Expectant Parents,” Counseling Resources.

Single Expectant Parents

Single expectant parents may experience new and unanticipated challenges as they navigate an unplanned pregnancy. They face the responsibility of deciding a future for their child and themselves. Some will marry, others will place their child for adoption, and some will decide to single parent. It is not unusual for single expectant parents to contemplate abortion; however, due to the sanctity of life, the Church opposes elective abortion for personal or social convenience, and counsels its members not to submit to, perform, encourage, pay for, or arrange for such abortions

Family Services provides free consultation for single expectant parents and can also provide information about marriage, adoption, or single parenting. Encourage the single expectant parent to meet with his or her bishop, who can connect him or her to Family Services. If Family Services is not available, the bishop may have access to additional counseling resources.

If you become aware that the pregnancy was a result of abuse or sexual assault, contact civil authorities. A help line is also available for bishops to call when dealing with this issue.

Seek to Understand

Single expectant parents are often pressured with advice about “the right choice” to make in response to their pregnancy. It can place strain on their relationships at the very time they need the most support. Single expectant parents can benefit greatly from loving encouragement to seek spiritual confirmation for their choices rather than relying solely on the advice of others. They may wonder if Heavenly Father will give them guidance because of their prior choices; however, “in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God” (Philippians 4:6).

Help the Individual

As you seek to understand the needs and direction the single expectant parent desires to follow, you can also be guided by the Spirit to know the ways you can serve them. Remember, to respect their privacy and agency.

  • Express hope and healing through the Savior and His Atonement.

  • Emphasize their identity as a child of Heavenly Parents with individual strengths, talents, and abilities.

  • Share confidence in Heavenly Father’s desire and ability to help them.

  • Foster a connection between them and their bishop.

  • If applicable, encourage pondering their patriarchal blessings for direction and comfort.

  • Offer to arrange for a priesthood blessing..

  • Support thoughtful exploration of their options: single parenting, adoption, or marriage, if appropriate. Encourage the single expectant parent to write the positives and the negatives associated with each option and to prayerfully evaluate and weigh the consequences of each option, especially for the child. The bishop can connect them to Family Services for additional information about resources and counseling

Support the Family

A single expectant parent’s decision about their pregnancy impacts the lives of their family members. Thoughtfully strive to understand their individual needs and perspectives..

Encourage ward council leaders to actively serve the expectant parents and their families.

Encourage the family to counsel together about the decision and to ultimately respect the single expectant parent’s decision.

Some family members may not agree with the single expectant parent’s decision regarding their future. Avoid aligning with family members in a manner that is divisive. Instead show love and understanding for differing perspectives

Use Ward and Stake Resources

Consider inviting ward leaders or other trusted individuals to provide continuing support, guidance, and assistance. Request the individual’s permission before discussing their situation with others

  • With the permission and help of the single expectant parent, identify a trusted person to be a mentor. The mentor should be someone the person is comfortable with and could be a ministering sister or brother.

  • Identify local resources that provide services in harmony with gospel principles. Resources may include professional counselors, programs or centers, and other agencies such as Family Services.

  • If the single expectant parents are considering parenting, encourage them to read or participate in the Strengthening the Family, Marriage and Family Relations classes or to read the associated materials if the classes are not available.