How can I help others understand a loved one’s disability?

“How can I help others understand a loved one’s disability?” Disability Services: Parents and Caregivers (2020)

“How can I help others understand a loved one’s disability?” Disability Services: Parents and Caregivers

How can I help others understand a loved one’s disability?

Boy with scriptures at church

When possible, share with others relevant information about your loved one’s disability. Be open about what challenges he or she faces and how to best help him or her. If you share information in a welcoming manner and show that you are comfortable doing so, others will be willing to listen and help in any way they can. You may want to take time to write what you would want others to know about your loved one. What are his or her strengths and talents? What are some of his or her challenges? What have you found to be helpful? What can he or she do to more fully participate in the ward? What could be adapted to help him or her more fully participate in gospel learning and activities at church?

You may also find it helpful to refer others to disability.ChurchofJesusChrist.org and other websites, articles, and books that you have found helpful.

If your ward or stake has a disability specialist, you may want to contact him or her and discuss your loved one’s needs. The disability specialist can be a valuable resource not only to you but also to other ward members in helping them understand your loved one’s strengths and challenges (see mycalling.ChurchofJesusChrist.org/disabilityspecialist).

Find answers to disability-related questions, policies, and guidelines.



  • Martine Leavitt, “‘On the Covenant Path with a Cane,’” Ensign, Jun. 2020, 20–22.

  • Ezra Taft Benson, “To the Elderly in the Church,” Ensign, Nov. 1989, 4.

  • Jean Hedengren Moultrie, “Of Walkers, Wheelchairs, and Wisdom,” Ensign, Aug. 2003, 8–11.

  • Sara Kuester, “The Greatest of These,” New Era, May 1993, 61.

  • Boyd K. Packer, “The Golden Years,” Liahona, May 2003, 82–84.

  • Amie Jane Leavitt, “Friends of All Ages,” Friend, Apr. 2015, 14–15.

  • Dian Saderup, “Earl,” New Era, Oct. 1989, 49.

  • Sharon Barber, “Serving: The Desire That Never Grows Old,” Ensign, Feb. 2003, 26–27.

  • Barbara Vance, “Taking Care of Mom and Dad,” Ensign, Sept. 1995 56.

  • Don L. Searle, “‘So Much to Live For,’Ensign, Jun. 1993, 34.

  • Elaine Reiser Alder, “Growing Older,” Ensign, Jun. 1987, 44.

  • Relief Society Recognized for Service to Senior Sisters,” Ensign, Oct. 1992, 79–80.

  • Robert McGraw, “Jarvis Seegmiller: Adding Life to Old Age,” Ensign, Apr. 1990, 67–68.

  • Lisa Barton with Heather Stock, “Investing in the Golden Years,” Ensign, Jul. 2010, 63–65.

  • Boyd K. Packer, “The Key to Spiritual Protection,” Liahona, Nov. 2013, 26–28.

  • Douglas D. Alder and Elaine Reiser Alder, “Grandpa Pal, Grandma Beth: How They Handle Aging,” Ensign, Jan. 1981, 60.

  • H. Burke Peterson, “Our Responsibility to Care for Our Own,” Ensign, May 1981, 81.

  • K. LeRoi Nelson, “My ‘Forgetter’ Is Getting Better,” Ensign, Oct. 2014, 66–67.

  • Richard M. Romney, “Senior Missionaries: Needed, Blessed, and Loved,” Ensign, Apr. 2016, 68–73.

  • Todd F. Cope, “Providing Care for Elderly Loved Ones,” Ensign, Sept. 2013, 68–71.


  • Mary Holmes Ewen, “We Must Go to the Temple Now!Ensign, Apr. 2015, 79.

  • Ed Bruderer, “A Christmas Hug,” Ensign, Dec. 2015, 35.

  • Libuletswe Gofrey Mokgatle—Gauteng, South Africa,” Liahona, Sept. 2018, 4.

  • Anna Fingerle, “We Were Both Blessed,” Ensign, Dec. 2018, 78.

  • Corinna Tanner, “Blind but Not Lost,” Ensign, Jun. 2020. Digital only.

Chronic Illness

  • Yong Gil Park, “Serving a Stranger,” Ensign, Mar. 2014, 74–75.

  • Questions and Answers,” Ensign, Jun. 2014, 72–75.

  • Kelly Louise Urarii, “The Power of When,” Ensign, Jun. 2014, 80.

  • Jessica George, “Faith in God’s Plan for Me,” Ensign, Jul. 2014, 20–21.

  • Janet Peterson, “Louie B. Felt: Dedicating Her Life to Children,” Ensign, Jul. 2014, 60–65.

  • Jarolyn Ballard Stout, “The Promise of Our Future Together,” Ensign, Aug. 2014, 10–11.

  • Marina Petrova, “Lizochka’s Heart,” Ensign, Oct. 2014, 10–11.

  • Richard M. Romney, “Before Our Journey’s Through,” Ensign, Feb. 2015, 60–63.

  • Nicholas Nelson, “I’m Grateful for Your Feet,” Ensign, Feb. 2015, 78.

  • Jacob Aaron Black, “Challenges, Miracles, and Testimonies,” Ensign, Apr. 2015, 48–51.

  • Trisha Tomkinson Riggs, “The Lord Spoke Peace to Me,” Ensign, Jul. 2015, 78.

  • Jennifer Grace Fallon, “Don’t Run Away,” Ensign, Sept. 2015, 20–22.

  • Brad Allred, “A Gift of Life and Love,” Ensign, Dec. 2015, 8–9.

  • Brittany Romanello Casco, “Returning Home Early from My Mission,” Ensign, Dec. 2015, 18–21.

  • Denise Neish, “Supported in Our Trials,” Ensign, Jan. 2016, 68–71.

  • Irmgard Meissner, “We Chose to Serve,” Ensign, Feb. 2016, 13.

  • Diane Sagers, “Uniquely Blessed by Indexing,” Ensign, Feb. 2016, 74–75.

  • My Father’s Loving Example,” Ensign, Jun. 2016, 10–11.

  • Melodee Cooper, “Cancer, Courage, and Conversion,” Ensign, Aug. 2016, 56–59.

  • Alice Warner Johnson, “Heavy Trials, Tender Mercies,” Ensign, Dec. 2016, 60–62.

  • Jonathan Taylor, “The True Miracle of Healing,” Ensign, Feb. 2017, 10–11.

  • Jeffrey A. Haines, “My Regrets, Her Forgiveness,” Ensign, Mar. 2017, 12–13.

  • LaRene Porter Gaunt, “Watched Over by Our Heavenly Father,” Ensign, Jun. 2017, 12.

  • Don L. Searle, “The Real Miracle,” Ensign, Jul. 2017, 12–13.

  • Gislaine Batista Pires Skraba, “Cristina’s Many Miracles,” Ensign, Aug. 2017, 79.

  • Inger de Montecinos, “Physical Comfort from the Scriptures,” Ensign, Sept. 2017, 79.

  • Leah Welker, “A Love Greater than Terminal Illness,” Ensign, Oct. 2017, 16–21.

  • Darren Wilcox, “Finding Help after Nancy’s Death,” Ensign, Oct. 2017, 51–53.

  • Portraits of Faith: Ilir Dodaj,” Ensign, Oct. 2017, 74.

  • Bryn Booker, “The Lord’s Help through Two Brain Surgeries,” Ensign, Jun. 2018, 79.

  • Counsel I Did Not Want to Hear,” Ensign, Jul. 2018, 79.

  • John C. Gaetz, “Saving My Mother,” Ensign, Aug. 2018, 60–61.

  • Michael Isaac—Bydgoszcz, Poland,” Ensign, Oct. 2018, 5.

  • Blanca Solis—Asunción, Paraguay,” Ensign, Dec. 2018, 6.

  • Paul B. Pieper and Melissa T. Pieper, “Special Needs, Special Lessons,” Ensign, Jun. 2020, 46–49.

Deaf/Hard of Hearing

  • Stephanie Hughes, “Help Thou Mine Unbelief,” Ensign, Mar. 2016, 79.

  • Ben Robinson, “Building the Kingdom in Australia,” Ensign, Sept. 2016, 20–21.

  • Jessica Griffith and Richard M. Romney, “An Elephant in the Classroom,” Ensign, Oct. 2017, 12–15.

  • Emmalee Christensen, “Supporting and Including Members Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing,” Ensign, Jun. 2020. Digital only.

Developmental Disability

  • David Gee, “Special Gifts from Having Sam,” Ensign, Jun. 2017, 40–45.

  • Jeanette Green, “Blessed to Be Sammy’s Mother,” Ensign, Jan. 2016, 46–48.

  • Kaylee Baldwin, “A Second Chance,” Ensign, Apr. 2016, 76.

  • Pauline Richardson, “A Father’s Love,” Ensign, Jun. 2016, 52–53.

  • Joy A. Gatherum-Hanson, “The Spirit of Visiting Teaching,” Ensign, Oct. 2016, 52–53.

  • Lynne Crandall and Jennifer Johnson, “Serving While Living with Disabilities,” Ensign, Oct. 2016, 52–53.

  • Rafael Antillon, “Blessed by My Faithful Sister,” Ensign, Mar. 2017, 63–65.

  • Regaining My Covenants,” Ensign, Jun. 2017, 55–57.

  • Rocio Alvarado, “Watching Our Baby Leave This Life,” Ensign, Sept. 2017, 76.

  • Delva Netane—California, USA,” Ensign, Jun. 2018, 5.

  • Victor Barbinyagra—Kharkiv, Ukraine,” Ensign, Jul. 2018, 5.

  • Getting Help to Help Others,” Ensign, Oct. 2018, 6–9.

  • Shanda Miller, “What the NICU Taught Me about Christ,” Ensign, Jun. 2020. Digital only.

  • Jeffrey S. McClellan, “What My Daughter’s Disability Taught Me about Grace,” Liahona, Jun. 2020. Digital only.


  • Changing Our Hearts through Charity,” Ensign, Feb. 2015, 40–43.

  • Small and Simple Acts of Service,” Ensign, Mar. 2015, 47–49.

  • Janice Tate, “My Lesson in Love,” Ensign, Jun. 2015, 10.

  • Jessica Garlick Dyer, “It’s a Short Flight,” Ensign, Jun. 2015, 22–23.

  • Janell H. Johnson, “Fragile Instruments Played with Powered,” Ensign, Sept. 2015, 70–72.

  • Toni Thomas, “Bearing One Another’s Burdens,” Ensign, Dec. 2015, 52–53.

  • Caring for the Needy in Our Families,” Ensign, Mar. 2016, 32–35.

  • Facing Health Setbacks with a Gospel Perspective,” Ensign, Sept. 2017, 22–25.

  • Jeffrey R. Holland, “Bearing One Another’s Burdens,” Ensign, Jun. 2018, 24–29.

  • Valerie Durrant, “4 Ways to Serve Families with Disabilities,” Ensign, Jun. 2018. Digital only.

  • Jan Pinborough, “Creating a Culture of Inclusion,” Ensign, Jun. 2018, 60–63.

  • The Baptism Decision,” Ensign, Jun. 2020, 2.

  • Lisa Ann Thomson, “Managing Food Allergies at Church,” Ensign, Jun. 2020, 40–45.

  • Katie E. Steed, “Is My Child with a Disability Ready to Be Baptized?Ensign Jun. 2020, 50–53.

  • What Church Leaders Are Saying about Disabilities,” Ensign, Jun. 2020, 54–57.

  • How Do I Talk to My Kids about Disabilities?Ensign, Jun. 2020, 58–59.

Learning Disabilities

  • Jeffrey Anderson, “Institute: The Best Treatment,” Ensign, Oct. 2014, 18–19.

  • Todd Pennington, “Of Covenants and ADHD,” Ensign, Feb. 2015, 52–55.

  • Karen Anderson, “Saving Christopher,” Ensign, Jun. 2015, 12–13.

  • Devin G. Bost, “The Education of a Lifetime,” Ensign, Jun. 2016, 68–71.

Mental Health

  • Ana Cremaschi Zañartu, “Will the Lord Heal Our Son?Ensign, Jun. 2014, 77.

  • Jon Warner, “Upon the Top of the Waters,” Ensign, Oct. 2014, 60–61.

  • Joy Cromar, “I Heard the Children,” Ensign, Oct. 2014, 78.

  • Suzanne Lutz, “Sustained by God’s Love,” Ensign, Jul. 2015, 14–15.

  • Starla Awerkamp Butler, “I Thank Thee for This Body,” Ensign, Jan. 2016, 62–65.

  • Debbie H. Seare, “A Bouquet of Blessings,” Ensign, Feb. 2016, 66–67.

  • Rebecca J. Clayson, “Depression,” Ensign, Feb. 2016, 68–73.

  • Choosing to Live: Overcoming Suicidal Thoughts,” Ensign, Sept. 2016, 60–63.

  • Kenichi Shimokawa, “Understanding Suicide: Warning Signs and Prevention,” Ensign, Oct. 2016, 35–39.

  • Lyle J. Burrup, “Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders,” Ensign, Mar. 2017, 54–61.

  • MaKayla Ferney, “You Can Choose to Stay,” Ensign, Sept. 2018. Digital only.

  • Why I Choose to Help,” Ensign, Sept. 2018. Digital only.

  • Suicide Prevention,” Ensign, Sept. 2018, 74.

  • Jess Verzello, “General Conference and Being Made Whole,” Ensign, Oct. 2018. Digital only.

  • Heather J. Johnson, “Learning to Skin a Skunk,” Ensign, Jan. 2019, 40.

  • Lori Fuller, “The Gospel: An Eternal Life Hack,” Ensign, Jan. 2019, 42–43.

  • Valerie Durrant, “Teach Me to Fly: Achieving Emotional Self-Reliance in the Lord’s Way,” Ensign, Jan. 2019, 44–45.

  • Kevin Theriot, “Finding a Mental Health Professional Who’s Right for You,” Ensign, Jan. 2019. Digital only.

  • Heather J. Johnson, “14 Ways to Get Your Emotional Health Back on Track,” Ensign, Jan. 2019. Digital only.

  • David Clarke, “Why I’m Not Afraid of Mental Health Counseling Anymore,” Ensign, Jan. 2019. Digital only.

  • Crystal Viljoen, “He Shall Prepare a Way,” Ensign, Jan. 2019. Digital only.

  • Kevin Theriot, “Overcoming the Plague of Addiction,” Ensign, Feb. 2019, 16–21.

  • Chakell Wardleigh, “Finding Peace in the Storm of Addiction,” Ensign, Feb. 2019, 22–25.

Physical Disabilities

  • Cindy Almaraz Anthony, “Would You Like Some Flowers?Ensign, Jan. 2015, 79.

  • James G. Stokes, “Christ Has Felt My Pain,” Ensign, Jul. 2015, 26–27.

  • Jenny Rollins, “Dealing with Coming Home Early,” Ensign, Jul. 2016, 14–17.

  • Valerie Durrant, “Deciding for Myself,” Ensign, Jun. 2018, 14–17.

  • Olivia Snow, “The Spirit Worked Slowly on Me,” Ensign, Aug. 2018, 28–29.

  • Richard M. Romney, “How Eric Learned to Trust God,” Liahona, Sept. 2018, 44–47.

  • Andrew Timmons, “Family Bonds: A Strength and a Blessing,” Ensign, Dec. 2018, 48–51.

  • Vance Taylor, “Hiking to the Y in My Wheelchair,” Ensign, Jun. 2020. Digital only.

  • Jeffrey S. McClellan, “What My Daughter’s Disability Taught Me about Grace,” Liahona, Jun. 2020. Digital only.

  • Paul B. Pieper and Melissa T. Pieper, “Special Needs, Special Lessons,” Ensign, Jun. 2020, 46–49.
