How can I help others understand a loved one’s disability?

“How can I help others understand a loved one’s disability?” Disability Services: Parents and Caregivers (2020)

“How can I help others understand a loved one’s disability?” Disability Services: Parents and Caregivers

How can I help others understand a loved one’s disability?

Boy with scriptures at church

When possible, share with others relevant information about your loved one’s disability. Be open about what challenges he or she faces and how to best help him or her. If you share information in a welcoming manner and show that you are comfortable doing so, others will be willing to listen and help in any way they can. You may want to take time to write what you would want others to know about your loved one. What are his or her strengths and talents? What are some of his or her challenges? What have you found to be helpful? What can he or she do to more fully participate in the ward? What could be adapted to help him or her more fully participate in gospel learning and activities at church?

You may also find it helpful to refer others to disability.ChurchofJesusChrist.org and other websites, articles, and books that you have found helpful.

If your ward or stake has a disability specialist, you may want to contact him or her and discuss your loved one’s needs. The disability specialist can be a valuable resource not only to you but also to other ward members in helping them understand your loved one’s strengths and challenges (see My Calling as a Ward Disability Specialist).

Find answers to disability-related questions, policies, and guidelines.




Chronic Illness

Deaf/Hard of Hearing

Developmental Disability


Learning Disabilities

Mental Health

Physical Disabilities
