undefined undefined ‘Take upon You My Whole Armor,’ Lesson 12: Sections 27–28
Seminaries and Institutes
‘Take upon You My Whole Armor,’ Lesson 12: Sections 27–28

“‘Take upon You My Whole Armor,’ Lesson 12: Sections 27–28,” Doctrine and Covenants Instructor’s Guide: Religion 324–325 (1981), 23–24

“Lesson 12,” Doctrine and Covenants Instructor’s Guide, 23–24

“Take upon You My Whole Armor”

Lesson 12

Sections 27–28


Those who put on the whole armor of God will be able to withstand and overcome evil.

Theme Analysis

  1. The Lord reaffirmed the true purpose of the sacrament.

    1. A person’s intent is one of the most important elements of his participation in the sacrament.

    2. Christ will participate in a great sacrament meeting with all the worthy Saints and the messengers of the Restoration.

  2. Satan will exert great power against the Saints.

    1. Satan’s work is organized and has great influence in the world (see Ephesians 6:12).

    2. He will attempt to deceive the Saints (see D&C 28:11).

  3. Those who put on the whole armor of God will be able to withstand and overcome evil.

    1. The Lord warns that the virtues, strengths, and preparations of the Saints will be attacked.

    2. Satan will seek to deceive and overcome mankind through the vulnerabilities of their mortal nature.

    3. The gospel armor is a sure protection.

Study Sources

Student Manual

Sections 27–28

Use material from Historical Background and Notes and Commentary to teach each revelation in its historical context.

Standard Works

  • D&C 27–28. Keeping in mind the theme of this lesson, read and ponder these sections.

  • Ephesians 6:10–18. What does Paul say will aid the Saints to “be strong in the Lord”? (vs. 10).

  • Ephesians 6:11, 13. Why is it spiritually vital to put on the whole armor of God?

  • 1 Thessalonians 5:8. Upon what principles does one establish a breastplate of righteousness?

  • Isaiah 11:5. What attributes provide strength to control lusts and passions?

  • Isaiah 59:16–17. What is the sustaining influence of the Messiah which enabled him to stand against evil?

  • Proverbs 30:5. How does this scriptural principle apply to the armor of God?

Basic Library

  • N. Eldon Tanner in CR, Apr. 1979, pp. 61–66. Provides scriptural examples on applying the concept of putting on the whole armor of God.

  • L. Tom Perry, in CR, Apr. 1974, pp. 140–42. Illustrates the shield of faith.

  • Bernard P. Brockbank, in CR, Apr. 1974, pp. 164–67. How to overcome the buffetings and temptations of Satan. M of F, pp. 233–36. Planning a safe course to avoid evil.

  • M of F, pp. 233–36. Planning a safe course to avoid evil.

Additional Sources

  • Harold B. Lee, Stand Ye in Holy Places, pp. 327–39. A complete commentary and application of Doctrine and Covenants 27:15–18. See also Ephesians 6:11–17.

  • Harold B. Lee, Feet Shod with the Preparation of the Gospel of Peace, Brigham Young University Speeches of the Year (Provo, 9 Nov. 1954), pp. 2–7. An overview of the principles of putting on the armor of God.

  • Bruce R. McConkie, “This Final Glorious Gospel Dispensation,” Ensign, Apr. 1980, pp. 21–25. Reviews the mission of each of the messengers of the Restoration.

  • Boyd K. Packer, Follow the Brethren, Brigham Young University Speeches of the Year (Provo, 23 Mar. 1965), p. 10. Sustaining and following the prophets as part of the armor of God.

  • Delbert L Stapley, in CR, Oct. 1971, pp. 101–5. Protection and fortification against evil.

Some Suggestions for Presentation

(Ideas Other Teachers Have Used)

Analysis of Doctrine and Covenants 27 (Scripture Analysis)

The following questions could be used in discussing section 27.

  1. How was this revelation given? (From a messenger of God.)

  2. What is the message of verses 1–4?

  3. When will the Lord “drink of the fruit of the vine” again? (vs. 5; see also Matthew 26:29; Mark 14:25; Luke 22:18).

  4. With whom will he drink it? (see vss. 5–14).

  5. List each of the messengers mentioned and describe their role in the Restoration. (See the article by Elder Bruce R. McConkie under Additional Sources.)

Put on the Whole Armor of God (Scripture Analysis, Chalkboard Illustration, Discussion)

Elder Harold B. Lee provides an understanding of the need to be armored against the strategies of Satan.

“It was [Paul] who imagined a man shielded by armour to protect the vital parts of the body in order that he should be kept on his course through life. He prefaced that illustration by saying, ‛For we wrestle not against principalities but against the wickedness in high places, against the power of darkness. Wherefore put on the whole armour of God that ye may be able to stand.’ (Ephesians 6:12–14)

“Now notice the nature of the armour that he puts on the man whom he is now preparing to withstand the powers of darkness. He said, Therefore stand, having your loins girt about with truth.’ Now the loins is that part of the body between the lower rib and the hip into which you will recognize are the vital organs which have to do with reproduction. He was saying here what a prophet in our day has echoed before. He was saying what President Joseph F. Smith had said to us that the three greatest sins confronting the Church in his day were first immorality; second, false educational ideas; and third, the flattery of the world. And so he was saying that that part of the body was one of the most vulnerable. We should have our loins girt about with armour. And then next we would have a breastplate over the heart. Now in the scriptures you will remember that the heart has always been used to typify our conduct. You remember the Master saying,

“‛From out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. For the good man out of the abundance of his heart bringeth forth good. But the evil man from out of the abundance of his heart bringeth forth evil.’ (Matthew 12:34–35)

“And so we would have a breastplate over the heart.

“And then he said we would have the feet shod with the kind of armour that would protect our feet, suggesting the feet as the objectives, the goals of life which we should have guided by some kind of armour and protected from getting off on the wrong foot. And finally we should have a helmet on our heads.” (Feet Shod with the Preparation of the Gospel of Peace, address to Brigham Young University MIA, 9 Nov. 1954, p. 2.)

You may wish to duplicate and hand out to your students Elder Lee’s summary statement:

“We have the four parts of the body that … [are] the most vulnerable to the powers of darkness. The loins, typifying virtue, chastity. The heart typifying our conduct. Our feet, our goals or objectives in life and finally our head, our thoughts.” (Feet Shod with the Preparation of the Gospel of Peace, p. 2.)

After providing the students with a copy of the above statement, have them apply the types of protection listed in the scriptures as the armor of God (see D&C 27:15–18; Ephesians 6:12–18).

  • Girding of the loins

  • Breastplate

  • Shod feet

  • Shield

  • Helmet

  • Sword

  • Truth

  • Righteousness

  • Preparation of the gospel

  • Faith

  • Hope of salvation (Isaiah 59:17)

  • Spirit through revelation

Discuss how each of these types of gospel principles and characteristics can be a protection to the types representing man’s vulnerabilities to evil (see Lee, Stand Ye in Holy Places, pp. 327–39).

Transparency 9, “The Whole Armor of God,” provides an illustration of a man clothed in armor that can be used as part of this presentation.