Seminaries and Institutes
True Disciples and Faithful Stewards, Lesson 18: Sections 41, 48, 51, 69–70, 72

“True Disciples and Faithful Stewards, Lesson 18: Sections 41, 48, 51, 69–70, 72,” Doctrine and Covenants Instructor’s Guide: Religion 324–325 (1981), 35–36

“Lesson 18,” Doctrine and Covenants Instructor’s Guide, 35–36

True Disciples and Faithful Stewards

Lesson 18

Sections 41, 48, 51, 69–70, 72


Every member of the Church is a steward over temporal and spiritual blessings and is accountable to the Lord through the instrumentality of their bishop and other priesthood leaders.

Theme Analysis

  1. The principle of stewardship is the foundation of a true disciple’s ministry in the kingdom.

  2. A stewardship is both temporal and spiritual.

    1. A stewardship is established by covenant.

    2. Accountability is associated with the fulfillment of one’s stewardship.

  3. Temporal stewardship is received under the law of consecration.

    1. Stewardship is determined jointly by the individual and the judge in Israel.

    2. One’s stewardship is private, not communal, property.

  4. Spiritual stewardship is received through the ordinances and one’s callings.

    1. The ordinances of baptism, priesthood offices, and celestial marriage, including all temple ordinances, constitute the basis of one’s spiritual stewardship.

    2. Faithful fulfillment of the covenants and magnification of callings consummate the spiritual stewardship.

  5. Accountability for stewardship is administered by judges in Israel.

    1. The bishop administers and evaluates the temporal stewardship.

    2. Authorities in the ecclesiastical line (such as bishops and stake presidents) are the judges of worthiness for spiritual stewardships.

    3. Records are a part of the accountability program for stewardships.

Study Sources

Student Manual

Sections 41, 48, 51, 69–70, 72; Enrichment L, “The Law of Consecration and Stewardship”

Use material from Historical Background and Notes and Commentary to teach each revelation in its historical context.

Standard Works

  • D&C 41, 48, 51, 69–70, 72. Keeping in mind the theme of this lesson, read and ponder these sections.

  • D&C 51:3–5; 42:20, 32–33. How are temporal stewardships secured to the Saints? Why are they so established?

  • D&C 82:17–19. How is an individual able to improve or enlarge his temporal stewardship?

  • D&C 104:11–13. What is an individual’s accountability?

  • D&C 104:70–75. If any man needs extra resources to help him in his stewardship, how can he obtain them?

  • D&C 107:74. What is one of the duties assigned to the bishop relating to stewardships?

  • D&C 107:8–14. Note the temporal and spiritual designations for priesthood.

For additional references see topical guide, s.v. “Disciple”; “Stewardship, Steward”; Bible dictionary, s.v. “Disciple.”

Basic Library

  • Teachings, p. 157. Discusses accountability to Christ for prophet’s stewardships.

  • Jesus the Christ, p. 453. The cost of discipleship reviewed.

  • A of F, pp. 437–39. Is there a relationship between stewardship and consecration?

  • DS, 3:117. What stewardship do priesthood holders have?

  • Boyd K. Packer, in CR, Apr. 1978, pp. 137–39. Discusses principles of self-reliance and stewardship.

  • Dean L. Larsen, in CR, Apr. 1980, pp. 104–7. Instruction on the importance of self-accountability.

  • Neal A. Maxwell, in CR, Apr. 1975, pp. 149–52. Discusses the “man of Christ” as a disciple of the Master.

  • Marion G. Romney, in CR, Oct. 1978, pp. 53–57. How does an individual become a true disciple of Christ?

Some Suggestions for Presentation

(Ideas Other Teachers Have Used)

The teacher should note that lesson 30, “The Law of Consecration and Stewardship, Part 1,” deals with the importance of covenants as associated with stewardship. Lesson 31, “The Law of Consecration and Stewardship, Part 2,” discusses the principles of consecration and its administrative system.

Stewardship, a Sacred Trust (Chalkboard Illustration)

The following diagram could be put on the chalkboard showing the relationship of a steward to his master.















The teacher could direct the discussion, developing the outline on the chalkboard or on an overhead.

  1. If you were going to entrust your most valuable possessions to someone, who would you choose?

  2. Would you entrust your possessions all at once?

  3. Would you desire an agreement or contract?

  4. To manage a large group, would you delegate and work through agents?

  5. Would you require a regular accounting and reports?

  6. If your trustee had been valiant, would you enlarge or increase the position entrusted to his care?

The teacher might point out that our individual stewardships begin even before we make covenants with God. Through the light of Christ, all are “instructed sufficiently that they know good from evil” (2 Nephi 2:5). Even the physical body “belongeth to him who created you” (Mosiah 2:25).

The students could be invited to assess their valiancy by reviewing the gospel evaluation presented by Elder Bruce R. McConkie in Conference Report, Oct. 1974, pp. 43–47.

Evaluate Your Temporal Stewardship (Student Inquiry)

Provide each student with the following excerpt from an article by President Spencer W. Kimball:

“The Lord has blessed us as a people with a prosperity unequaled in times past. The resources that have been placed in our power are good, and necessary to our work here on the earth. But I am afraid that many of us have been surfeited with flocks and herds and acres and barns and wealth and have begun to worship them as false gods, and they have power over us. Do we have more of these good things than our faith can stand? Many people spend most of their time working in the service of a self-image that includes sufficient money, stocks, bonds, investment portfolios, property, credit cards, furnishings, automobiles, and the like to guarantee carnal security throughout, it is hoped, a long and happy life. Forgotten is the fact that our assignment is to use these many resources in our families and quorums to build up the kingdom of God—to further the missionary effort and the genealogical and temple work; to raise our children up as fruitful servants unto the Lord; to bless others in every way, that they may also be fruitful.” (“The False Gods We Worship,” Ensign, June 1976, p. 4.)

Have the students then evaluate their own orientation and goals as they pertain to their temporal stewardship—now and future. Why are they in school? What overall objectives do they have financially? How do they relate to President Kimball’s counsel and teaching? The teacher might also discuss with the students why President Kimball is counseling the Saints on temporal matters. How do they relate to stewardship?
