Seminaries and Institutes
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ, Lesson 52: Sections 116, 133

“The Second Coming of Jesus Christ, Lesson 52: Sections 116, 133,” Doctrine and Covenants Instructor’s Guide: Religion 324–325 (1981), 103–4

“Lesson 52,” Doctrine and Covenants Instructor’s Guide, 103–4

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ

Lesson 52

Sections 116, 133


The second coming of Christ will be an event of such transcendent power that it will be both a great and a dreadful day.

Theme Analysis

  1. The Second Coming will occur when the world does not expect or want it.

    1. The Lord will make several appearances before his final coming in power and glory.

    2. The Messiah will come finally “as a thief in the night,” catching the wicked world unprepared.

  2. Great and glorious changes of heaven and earth accompany the culmination of the Second Coming.

    1. The earth will undergo great changes.

    2. All wickedness will be destroyed.

    3. Heaven and earth will be renewed and returned to a paradisiacal status.

Study Sources

Student Manual

Sections 116, 133; Enrichment H, “The Last Days”

Use material from Historical Background and Notes and Commentary to teach each revelation in its historical context.

Standard Works

For additional references see topical guide, s.v. “Day of the Lord”; “Earth, Cleansing of”; “Earth, Renewal of”; “Jesus Christ, Second Coming”; “World, End of.”

Basic Library

  • Teachings, p. 87. What kinds of instrumentality will be used in the destruction of the wicked?

  • Teachings, p. 101. What is the purpose of the burnings?

  • Teachings, pp. 279–80. Who will declare the fulfillment of the signs to the world? See also Amos 3:7.

  • Teachings, pp. 286–87. What is the sign of the Son of Man? How will the world receive it?

  • Teachings, p. 341. Will the precise time ever be known?

  • Discourses, pp. 114–15. How many appearances are a part of the Second Coming?

  • Jesus the Christ, pp. 785–92. Overview of some of the scriptural statements dealing with the Second Coming.

  • A of F, pp. 356–68. A good analysis of the meaning and significance of the Second Coming.

  • DS, 3:11–18. Judgments and appearances associated with the Second Coming.

  • DS, 3:47–54. Final events of Second Coming described.

Additional Sources

  • Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, pp. 687–98. Excellent overview of the events associated with the second coming of the Lord.

Some Suggestions for Presentation

(Ideas Other Teachers Have Used)

The teacher should note that this lesson correlates with lesson 19, “Looking Forth to the Great Day of the Lord.”

The Second Coming: An Event of Transcendent Importance (Discussion, Chalkboard Illustration)

One way you might wish to begin this lesson would be to read the following statement from Elder Bruce R. McConkie and then briefly discuss its implications: “No event has transpired on earth, since the very day of creation itself, which is destined to have such a transcendent and recognizable affect on man, the earth, and ail created things as the imminentreturn of the Son of Man will have” (Mormon Doctrine, p. 687).

Notice that Elder McConkie speaks of the “affect on man, the earth, and all created things.” You might list these three items on the chalkboard as headings and as the lesson develops, list with each item which are to occur in connection with the Second Coming.

Read Joseph Smith Translation, Matthew 24:36–40. Though no man knows the day or the hour, certain signs are to be given so that the elect shall know that it is near, “even at the doors.”

Now read with the students some of the signs set forth by the Lord in Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:22–44. (This is a review of signs discussed in lesson 19.) Begin to build your list as the following sample shows.


  • Wars and rumors of wars

  • Gospel preached in the earth

  • God’s elect gathered

  • Destruction of the wicked


  • Elements in commotion (storms, floods, earthquakes, etc.)

  • Islands become one land

  • Mountains melt, valleys exalted

Created Things

  • Signs and wonders in heaven

  • Sun darkens, moon gives no light, stars fall

You could conclude this section by presenting a quote from President Joseph Fielding Smith, as found in Doctrines of Salvation, 3:52–53.

The Appendix (Scripture Analysis)

Doctrine and Covenants 133 contains a grand panarama of the future, including events which will precede and which will accompany Christ’s second coming. Many references, however, are made in this section which require a knowledge of other scriptures. One key phrase is used which can be fully understood only in connection with other scriptures. You could have a meaningful experience by working through the following cross-reference exercise with the students. This could be done in class or by a written handout. The following list is only a suggestion and you may wish to add or delete.

Doctrine and Covenants 133

  • Verse 2. “The Lord who shall suddenly come to his temple”

  • Verse 5. “Go ye out from Babylon”

  • Verse 9. “Go ye forth unto … Zion”

  • Verse 10. “Awake and arise and go forth to meet the Bridegroom”

  • Verse 15. “Let him not look back”

  • Verse 18. “The Lamb shall stand upon Mount Zion”

  • Verse 20. “He shall stand upon the mount of Olivet”

  • Verses 26–34. “They who are in the north countries”

  • Verses 40–52. “O that thou wouldst … come down”

  • Verse 54. “And Enoch also”

  • Verse 56. “The graves of the saints shall be opened”

  • Verse 63. “They should be cut off”

Key References
