Lesson 3—Introduction to the Doctrine and Covenants: Hearing the Voice of Jesus Christ

“Lesson 3—Introduction to the Doctrine and Covenants: Hearing the Voice of Jesus Christ,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual (2025)

“Introduction to the Doctrine and Covenants,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual

Lesson 3: Restoration Proclamation

Introduction to the Doctrine and Covenants

Hearing the Voice of Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ

In the Doctrine and Covenants, we can read the Lord’s own words, helping us hear His voice speaking to those in our day and even to us personally. This lesson can help students prepare to learn to know the Savior as they begin their study of the Doctrine and Covenants.

Possible Learning Activities

Getting to know you

Consider beginning class by inviting students to ask a classmate a question that would help them get to know that person better. For example, they could ask, “What is something you enjoy doing in your free time?”

After students have had time to talk with a classmate, you could discuss the following:

Think of the person you feel you know the best.

  • What has helped you get to know this person so well?

Invite the students to quietly ponder how well they feel they know Jesus Christ and what they are currently doing to come to know Him better.

In the Doctrine and Covenants, Jesus Christ described some of the ways we can come to know Him better and promised us a blessing we can receive for doing so.

Read Doctrine and Covenants 19:23–24, looking for the Savior’s invitations and the promise He made.

  • How do you think the Savior’s invitations in these verses could help us come to know Him better?

  • What can we learn about the Savior from His words in these verses?

Consider pointing out the Savior’s promise in verse 23 that we can experience His peace as we learn of Him and listen to His words. It may be helpful to invite the students to think more deeply about this promise. You could ask them to evaluate how often they feel the peace that comes from Jesus Christ and how their lives might be impacted if they felt more peace.

Studying the Doctrine and Covenants

This year, you will have opportunities to study the Doctrine and Covenants at home, in church, and in seminary. As you study, you will have many opportunities to learn of Jesus Christ and listen to His words. This can help you come to know Him more fully and experience the peace He promises.

  • What do you already know about the Doctrine and Covenants?

Some students may have passages from the Doctrine and Covenants that are especially meaningful to them. You could ask a few willing students to share these passages and explain why they are meaningful. You might also share a few of your favorite passages.

Then invite the students to open their scriptures to the introduction to the Doctrine and Covenants.

In the introduction to the Doctrine and Covenants, read paragraphs 1–3 and the final sentence of paragraph 8. As you read, look for phrases about how studying the Doctrine and Covenants can help you come to know Jesus Christ more fully.

  • What did you learn about how the Doctrine and Covenants is different from other books of scripture?

  • What makes the Doctrine and Covenants “of great value”?

The Savior’s voice in the Doctrine and Covenants

Jesus Christ

One truth we can learn from these paragraphs is that as we study the Doctrine and Covenants, we can hear the Savior’s voice speaking to us in our day and learn more of Him.

Read Doctrine and Covenants 18:33–36, looking for teachings from the Savior that relate to this truth.

It may be helpful to give students time to find a few other examples of Jesus Christ speaking in the Doctrine and Covenants. You could invite them to open their scriptures to any section of the Doctrine and Covenants and look for examples of the Lord speaking.

  • How do you think reading the Savior’s words in the Doctrine and Covenants could bless your life?

If needed, point out that there is much we can learn about the Savior as we study His words. We can understand more about His character, His desires, and what is important to Him. It would also be helpful to point out Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father are alike in Their perfection and attributes and united in Their purpose. Therefore, as students come to know Jesus Christ, they are also learning more about Heavenly Father (see John 14:9).

Coming to know Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ can increase our love for Them and help us experience the peace only They can offer.

Throughout your study of the Doctrine and Covenants, focus on what you are learning about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. It may even be helpful to organize a portion of your study journal or create a note in your Gospel Library app for recording the insights you receive about Them. You could add to your list of insights throughout the year. Consider how what you learn about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ influences your love for and trust in Them.

The following study activity can help students recognize examples of what they can learn about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ from the Savior’s words in the Doctrine and Covenants. It may be helpful to divide the students into groups and assign each group one or more of the passages to study.

Study the Savior’s words in a few of the following passages from the Doctrine and Covenants. Pay attention to what you can learn about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ from the verses you study.

Consider listing on the board students’ responses to the first of the following questions. Or you could invite various students to come to the board and write their insights.

  • What did these passages help you understand about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ? Why do you think it is important to know these things about Them?

  • How could what you learned about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in these verses help you experience peace?

Make a scripture study goal

Share the following, giving students time to create a goal related to their Doctrine and Covenants study this year.

training icon For more training on how to encourage students to study the gospel daily, see the training entitled “Assist Students in Creating a Daily Scripture Study Goal,” found in the Teacher Development Skills: Invite Diligent Learning training.

One purpose of seminary is to help you draw closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ through daily study of the scriptures. Seek inspiration through the Holy Ghost to set a goal related to your study of the Doctrine and Covenants. You could think about the following questions as you set a goal:

  • When and where could I study my scriptures daily?

  • How much time each day will I study?

  • What can I do to invite the Holy Ghost more fully into my experience?

Record your goal in your study journal.

You may want to have students share their answers to some or all of the previous questions after they have finished writing.

Encourage students to work toward achieving their goal. Promise them that doing so will help them hear the Savior’s voice and receive guidance from Him. Take time throughout the year to remind the students of their goal, giving them opportunities to evaluate their progress.