Lesson 56—Doctrine and Covenants 42: The Lord’s Laws

“Lesson 56—Doctrine and Covenants 42: The Lord’s Laws,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual (2025)

“Doctrine and Covenants 42,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual

Lesson 56: Doctrine and Covenants 41–44

Doctrine and Covenants 42

The Lord’s Laws

attending the temple

In Doctrine and Covenants 42, the Lord fulfilled His promise to the Saints that He would give them His law after they moved to Ohio. He set forth general laws of conduct for members of the Church. This lesson will help students show their love for the Lord by obeying His commandments.

Possible Learning Activities

Two different perspectives

Begin class by inviting students to ponder and then share their thoughts on the following question:

  • From what you see in the world today, why do you think we need commandments from God?

Write obey and disobey at the top of two different columns on the board. Students could then list under the corresponding columns reasons why people might obey or disobey the commandments.

Invite students to take a minute to ponder their own reasons for keeping or not keeping God’s commandments.

As you study today, seek the Holy Ghost’s guidance to help you better understand why the Lord gives commandments and how you can continue, or even improve, your obedience.

The Lord’s law

The Lord promised the Saints that He would give them His law as they gathered to Ohio (see Doctrine and Covenants 38:32). Shortly after arriving in Ohio, the Prophet Joseph Smith and 12 elders united their faith in earnest prayer (Doctrine and Covenants 41:3) and asked the Lord to reveal His law.

Read Doctrine and Covenants 42:1–3 to see the Lord’s response.

  • What is significant to you in these verses?

The Lord then taught about several commandments He wanted His people to live.

For the following activity, students could choose which verses they will read or you could assign them. Consider inviting students to write on the board the commandments they found and which verse(s) they found them in.

Read at least two of the following sets of verses, looking for the Lord’s commandments:

According to verse 29, why should we keep the Lord’s commandments?

This verse teaches that as we keep the Lord’s commandments, we show our love for Him. Students might mark this truth in verse 29 and cross-reference or link it to John 14:15. Students could also read Doctrine and Covenants 41:5, looking for what else our obedience means to the Lord.

Consider placing students in groups to read and answer the following.

For the Strength of Youth: A Guide for Making Choices teaches:

To help you make good choices, God gives commandments. He does this because He loves you. And the best reason to obey God’s commandments is because you love Him. Love is at the heart of God’s commandments. (For the Strength of Youth: A Guide for Making Choices [2022], 11)

  • How are God’s commandments a manifestation of His love?

  • How does our obedience to God’s commandments show Him we love Him?

His commandments

You may have some students who would like to complete the following activity using a commandment not listed in Doctrine and Covenants 42. Consider broadening the range of commandments to fit the needs and desires of your students.

Select one commandment from section 42 that you would like to learn more about or ponder.

As you study, prepare to share the following about the commandment you have chosen. You may want to write your thoughts in your study journal.

  1. Other scripture verses, general conference statements, or For the Strength of Youth (booklet) passages that deepen your understanding of this commandment

  2. Reasons you think a loving and all-knowing Heavenly Father would give us this commandment

  3. How you think keeping this commandment helps us follow the Savior, show our love to Him, and become more like Him

  4. Experiences you have had keeping this commandment (optional; share only if they are not too sacred or personal)

Give students an opportunity to share what they have learned. You might have them share their thoughts in small groups.

If students wrote commandments on the board earlier, you might invite them to circle the commandments they just studied. Then invite students to select one or two commandments they think would be most useful to discuss as a class. Ask them to imagine that someone is having a difficult time understanding and keeping this commandment. Invite the class to work together to help this individual. You might begin by inviting students who studied these commandments to share a few insights from their study. Also invite other students to share thoughts that might help. You might ask follow-up questions like the following: “What obstacles might this individual face?” “How can we help them overcome these obstacles?” “How can we help them understand and feel the love of the Lord through this commandment?”

My obedience to God’s commandments

Remembering what you have learned and felt in this lesson, pick a commandment that you feel the Lord would want you to focus on. Respond to the following questions in your study journal:

  • How can obedience to this commandment bless my life?

  • How does this commandment help me show my love to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and follow Them?

  • What is one specific thing I would like to do to show my love to the Lord and keep this commandment?

Encourage students to make a plan to better keep the commandment they chose.
