Doctrine and Covenants 58–59: Overview

“Doctrine and Covenants 58–59: Overview,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual (2025)

“Doctrine and Covenants 58–59,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual

Doctrine and Covenants 58–59

Doctrine and Covenants 58–59


In August 1831, a group of Saints had recently arrived in Jackson County, Missouri. Many desired to help the Savior build Zion but were unsure what to do. The Lord explained that He expected them to use their agency to find ways to serve. He also invited them to repent of their sins and instructed them to keep the Sabbath day holy.

Extending the learning experience: When you invite those you teach to act on true doctrine, you’re inviting them to extend the learning experience into their homes and daily lives. Help your students see spiritual learning as a day-to-day experience rather than something that happens only in class. This can help students become more motivated to learn and apply gospel teachings. For more on how the Savior did this, see the section “The Savior Invited Others to Live What He Taught” in Teaching in the Savior’s Way. You can also see an example of how to do this in the lesson this week titled “Doctrine and Covenants 58:26–29.”

Prepare to teach

The following information provides you with ideas of what you may need to prepare in advance for each lesson.

Doctrine and Covenants 58:26–29

Lesson purpose: To help students understand how to follow the Savior’s example of going about doing good.

Doctrine and Covenants 58:38–60

Lesson purpose: To help students feel hope that the Savior forgives those who repent of their sins.

Doctrine and Covenants 59

Lesson purpose: To help students honor the Lord by choosing to keep the Sabbath day holy.
