Even the most faithful disciples of Jesus Christ need repentance and forgiveness. In Doctrine and Covenants 58, Jesus Christ invited several leaders of His Church to repent and promised to forgive their sins if they would obey. The purpose of this lesson is to help students feel hope that the Savior forgives those who repent of their sins.
Possible Learning Activities
Imagine your friend told you he fell from a ledge last night. He feels a lot of pain when he breathes and thinks his arm is broken. He has decided not to see a doctor because he is worried that the doctor and others will be disappointed if they find out he chose to go near that dangerous ledge. So he plans to keep his pain a secret, hoping everything will heal properly in time.
How do you feel about your friend’s plan? Why?
Now imagine a similar situation, but this time your friend tells you that he has committed a serious sin. Rather than follow the Savior’s teachings about repentance, he has decided to hide his sin and hope things will get better over time.
What misunderstandings do you think Ziba might have had about God or about repentance that would cause him to hide his sins? (You may want to read Alma’s counsel to his son about the results of trying to hide our sins. See Alma 39:7–9.)
Which of these misunderstandings do you think people still struggle with today?
Ponder whether there are any sins you have been hesitant to repent of. If so, think about your reasons for holding back.
Questions and answers
Read Doctrine and Covenants 58:42–43, looking for the Savior’s teachings that help answer questions and concerns that some people may have about repentance.
How could these truths help with concerns people might have about repentance?
The Lord forgives
In your study journal, prepare a response you could share with someone who worries he or she cannot be forgiven. What could you share about the Savior’s nature and promises that could help this person overcome any concerns? Choose some of the following options to help you prepare your response:
Scriptures: Search the scriptures for passages containing the Lord’s promises to those who repent or for accounts that show His willingness to forgive. The list of doctrinal mastery passages in the Doctrinal Mastery Core Document (2023) could be helpful. You might consider cross-referencing or linking some of these scriptures with Doctrine and Covenants 58:42–43.
Personal evidence: Think of examples where you have witnessed the Savior’s willingness to forgive and help someone change. (Don’t share names or details of sins.)
The “Jesus Christ will help you” section of the For the Strength of Youth: A Guide for Making Choices ([2022], 6–9): Look for truths about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ that give us hope.
Modern prophets: Search for statements from modern Church leaders that help us understand the forgiving nature of Jesus Christ.
My dear young friends, if the Savior were here right now, what would He say to you? …
… You might remember mistakes you’ve made, times you gave in to temptation, things you wish you hadn’t done—or wish you had done better.
The Savior would sense that, and I believe He would assure you with words He has spoken in the scriptures:
I don’t think He would make excuses for your mistakes. He wouldn’t minimize them. No, He would ask you to repent—to leave your sins behind, to change, so He can forgive you. He would remind you that 2,000 years ago He took those sins upon Himself so that you could repent. That is part of the plan of happiness gifted to us from our loving Heavenly Father. (Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Jesus Christ Is the Strength of Youth,” Liahona, Nov. 2022, 9)