undefined undefined Lesson 75—Doctrine and Covenants 63:1–23: The Lord’s Law of Chastity
Lesson 75—Doctrine and Covenants 63:1–23: The Lord’s Law of Chastity

“Lesson 75—Doctrine and Covenants 63:1–23: The Lord’s Law of Chastity,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual (2025)

“Doctrine and Covenants 63:1–23,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual

Lesson 75: Doctrine and Covenants 60–63

Doctrine and Covenants 63:1–23

The Lord’s Law of Chastity

woman studying the scriptures

In the summer of 1831, the Prophet Joseph Smith returned from Missouri and learned that some of the Saints in Kirtland had committed serious sins, including violations of the law of chastity. In the revelation recorded in Doctrine and Covenants 63, the Lord warned the Saints of the seriousness of their sins. This lesson can help students feel the importance of personal obedience to the Lord’s law of chastity.

Possible Learning Activities

The importance of virtue

Jesus smiling

To begin class, consider displaying a picture depicting the Savior. Invite students to write on the board their answers to the first of the following questions. You might invite a few students to explain what they wrote and to share how they would answer the second question.

  • What are some words or phrases that describe attributes the Savior wants us to have?

    Add the word virtuous to the board if it is not already there. Explain that to be virtuous includes having moral integrity, being sexually pure, and having spiritual power and strength (see Guide to the Scriptures, “Virtue,” scriptures.ChurchofJesusChrist.org).

  • Why do you think being virtuous is an important characteristic for us to have?

  • How is the Savior’s commandment to be virtuous under attack in our day?

Invite students to think about how important it is for them to be virtuous and sexually pure. They could also think about questions they have or obstacles they personally face related to this commandment. Encourage students to pay attention to spiritual promptings that can help them feel a greater desire to live pure and virtuous lives.

The Savior condemns sexual sin

The following contextual background could help students prepare to study Doctrine and Covenants 63.

In the revelation recorded in Doctrine and Covenants 63, the Savior addressed sinful behaviors of some of the Saints in Kirtland, Ohio. He warned of the seriousness of these sins (see Doctrine and Covenants 63:1–6) and shared truths about the importance of being sexually pure.

Study Doctrine and Covenants 63:13–16, looking for the Lord’s invitations and warnings.

If needed, help students understand the meaning of key words or phrases in these verses. For example, it may be helpful to explain that “adultery” refers to sexual relations between a married individual and someone other than his or her spouse. To “lust after” someone means to look at a person in a way that arouses sexual feelings. This includes viewing pornography. “The law of chastity states that God approves of sexual activity only between a man and a woman who are married” (For the Strength of Youth: A Guide for Making Choices [2022], 23).

  • What do these verses teach you about the impact sexual sins can have on us?

  • What can you learn about the Savior from His words in these verses?

One truth that would be appropriate to emphasize during this discussion is that the Savior condemns lust and all other forms of sexual sin.

Deepen understanding about the law of chastity

Help students understand that the Savior’s commandment to be sexually pure is often referred to as the law of chastity. The following activity can help students deepen their understanding about the importance of obeying this law.

Invite the class to brainstorm a few questions teenagers might have about the Lord’s law of chastity. Students might feel more comfortable asking questions anonymously by writing their questions down. Choose a few appropriate questions and list them on the board.

To help you prepare to answer questions you or others have about the Lord’s law of chastity, study the following sections in For the Strength of Youth: A Guide for Making Choices (2022): “Walk in God’s light” (pages 16–21) and “Your body is sacred” (pages 22–29).

Students could work with a partner or in small groups to find answers to the questions they choose to focus on. In addition to studying the sections from For the Strength of Youth: A Guide for Making Choices (2022), students could also be invited to search for other gospel resources.

Several additional resources you could share with students can be found in the “Supplemental Learning Activities” at the end of the lesson.

After an appropriate amount of time, invite students to discuss what they discovered as they studied. Invite multiple students to share their insights. A question like the following could help guide the discussion.

  • What did you find that deepened your understanding about why we are commanded to live the law of chastity?

Blessings for obedience to the law of chastity

After warning the Saints about the serious nature of violating the law of chastity, the Savior encouraged them to keep His commandments, and He promised blessings for obedience.

Read Doctrine and Covenants 63:19–20, 23, looking for what the Savior taught.

  • What blessings does the Savior promise to those who keep His commandments?

  • How might remembering these blessings motivate us to live virtuous lives?

There may be some students who have committed sins related to the law of chastity. Remind the class that when we sincerely strive to repent of our sins, the Savior makes complete forgiveness and healing possible. To help anyone who is worried that they have already made mistakes, you might emphasize Doctrine and Covenants 58:42–43.

Remember what you have learned

Give students time to reflect on what they have learned and felt during their studies today. One way to do this is to invite them to write their answers to one or more of the following questions in their study journals.

  • What impressions or feelings did you have as you studied today?

  • What have you learned about the importance of being chaste and the impact that choice can have on your life?

  • What is something you feel impressed to do or change?

Conclude the lesson by reminding students of the Savior’s promise to bless all who faithfully strive to obey the Lord’s law of chastity.