Lesson 76—Doctrine and Covenants 63:57–64: Reverence for the Sacred Name of Jesus Christ

“Lesson 76—Doctrine and Covenants 63:57–64: Reverence for the Sacred Name of Jesus Christ,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual (2025)

“Doctrine and Covenants 63:57–64,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual

Lesson 76: Doctrine and Covenants 60–63

Doctrine and Covenants 63:57–64

Reverence for the Sacred Name of Jesus Christ

the Savior teaching

In the revelation recorded in Doctrine and Covenants 63, the Savior expressed His desire for His followers to “beware how they take [His] name in their lips” (Doctrine and Covenants 63:61). This lesson can help students feel the importance of using the Savior’s name with reverence.

Possible Learning Activities

Careful rather than casual

Write the phrase Careful rather than casual on the board. Then invite students to discuss the following questions:

  • What are some situations in which it would be important for someone to be careful rather than casual? Why?

    If students need help thinking of ideas, you could mention a few examples, such as driving a car, searching the internet, cutting hair, or performing a medical procedure.

  • What are some things you think the Savior wants us to be careful about in our lives?

Sister Rebecca L. Craven of the Young Women General Presidency posed the following question:

Sister Rebecca L. Craven

Are we careful in our language? Or do we casually embrace the crude and vulgar? (Rebecca L. Craven, “Careful versus Casual,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2019, 10)

What are some situations in which you might encounter language that is irreverent toward God or other sacred things?

Invite students to think about how they feel when they encounter such language. Encourage them as they study to look for teachings that can help them feel the importance of being careful in how they speak about sacred things, particularly how they use the names of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

Reverence for the name of Jesus Christ

The following explanation could help students understand the context for the verses they will study from Doctrine and Covenants 63.

At the time of the revelation recorded in Doctrine and Covenants 63, some of the Saints in Kirtland, Ohio, had used the Lord’s name without the proper priesthood authority (see Doctrine and Covenants 63:62). The Lord condemned these actions and taught the Saints important truths about how His name should be used.

Read Doctrine and Covenants 63:58–64, looking for what the Lord wanted the Saints to understand about Him.

  • What do these verses help you understand about Jesus Christ?

  • What did you learn from verses 61–64 about how we should use the Savior’s name?

    One truth students might mention from these verses is that the name of Jesus Christ is sacred and must be used with care.

  • What do you think it means to use the Savior’s name with care?

  • What questions do you have about what you are learning in these verses?

If students have questions about what it means to use “the name of the Lord … in vain” (verse 62), explain that it can involve speaking irreverently of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ (see Dallin H. Oaks, “Reverent and Clean,” Ensign, May 1986, 49–50). It can also involve using the Savior’s priesthood authority unworthily (see Neil L. Andersen, “Power in the Priesthood,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2013, 93). Be sure students understand that it is appropriate to speak of the Savior in gospel or everyday conversations when we speak of Him with love and respect.

Before asking the following question, it may be helpful to have students imagine that they know someone who does not understand the importance of using the Savior’s name with reverence. They could keep this person in mind as they discuss.

  • What do you think can help us feel a greater desire to use the name of Jesus Christ with reverence?

Feeling greater love and reverence for Jesus Christ

Explain that understanding more about who Jesus Christ is and what He has done for us can help us feel greater love and reverence for Him.

Before introducing the following study activity, consider inviting students to share experiences they have had or truths they know from the scriptures that motivate them to think and speak reverently about Jesus Christ. You could also share an example from your own life.

Take some time to search divinely appointed sources that can help you feel greater love for Jesus Christ and desire to speak of Him with reverence. You could search for scriptures, statements from Church leaders, hymns, or other helpful resources that describe who He is or what He has done. Record your insights and feelings in your study journal.

Students could look for resources on their own or with a partner. If needed, you could provide them with a few examples of resources they could refer to, such as hymns that teach of the sacred nature of Jesus Christ or some of the following scriptures: Matthew 8:23–27; 2 Nephi 25:13; Doctrine and Covenants 18:23–25; 35:1–2; 110:1–5.

After sufficient time, invite students to share what they learned and felt from their studies. If students found meaningful hymns, the class could sing one or more of them together. You could also invite students to read a scripture they found and share why it was meaningful to them.

The following questions could help students share their insights:

  • What did you study that inspired gratitude or respect for the Savior?

  • How could remembering what you studied impact your choices?

You could expand the discussion of the second question by dividing students into small groups and inviting them to discuss how specific aspects of their lives could be impacted when we feel greater reverence for Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Examples of aspects of their lives they could talk about include:

  • The choices they make related to media use.

  • Their interactions with others.

  • Their willingness to share the gospel.

  • The way they pray to Heavenly Father.

Relating it to your life

To help students reflect on their learning, invite them to respond to at least one of the following questions in their study journals:

  • Based on what you learned from the Spirit or from your peers today, what changes do you notice in your feelings for or perspective of the Savior?

  • What is something you feel a desire to do better or differently as a result of what you learned today?

Invite a few willing students to share what they wrote. Then conclude the lesson by sharing your testimony of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, and explain why Their names are sacred to you.
