Lesson 154—The Articles of Faith: Learning Foundational Truths of the Savior’s Gospel

“Lesson 154—The Articles of Faith: Learning Foundational Truths of the Savior’s Gospel,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual (2025)

“The Articles of Faith,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual

Lesson 154: The Articles of Faith and Official Declarations 1 and 2

The Articles of Faith

Learning Foundational Truths of the Savior’s Gospel

youth smiling

On March 1, 1842, the Prophet Joseph Smith responded to a request from newspaper editor John Wentworth to provide information about the history and beliefs of the Church. As part of his response, Joseph declared 13 fundamental principles of the gospel known today as the Articles of Faith. This lesson can help students deepen their understanding of the Savior’s doctrine by studying the truths contained in the Articles of Faith.

Possible Learning Activities

Explaining our beliefs

Consider beginning class with the following scenario.

Imagine you have a friend who wants to know more about what members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe. Your friend is very interested but only has a few minutes to listen before going to class.

  • What would you want your friend to understand about Jesus Christ and His gospel?

    You could give students three minutes to write their responses in their study journals. Alternatively, they could discuss what they would share as a class or role-play the scenario with a partner.

  • What resources could you share with your friend to help them learn more about the Savior and His gospel?

If needed, point out that one helpful resource is the Articles of Faith. Ensure that students can locate the Articles of Faith in their scriptures. You might give them a few moments to assess their level of familiarity with the Articles of Faith. For example, you could ask students if they have ever memorized one or used some while teaching a lesson, writing a talk, or sharing the Savior’s gospel with others.

The Articles of Faith

To help students learn about how we got the Articles of Faith, consider sharing with students the video “The Articles of Faith” (4:43), available at You could also summarize the following background information:


The Articles of Faith

In 1842, Joseph Smith responded to a letter he had received from John Wentworth, who lived in Chicago, Illinois. Wentworth was the editor of a newspaper called the Chicago Democrat and desired to know more about the beliefs and history of the Saints living in Nauvoo, Illinois. In parts of the letter, Joseph shared details about the establishment and destiny of the Savior’s Church. The Prophet ended the letter with 13 brief statements containing foundational truths and doctrine of the Church. These statements were later titled the Articles of Faith and were published in 1851 in the first edition of the Pearl of Great Price.

Elder L. Tom Perry (1922–2015) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles shared the following about how learning the Articles of Faith can help us.


The Doctrines and Principles Contained in the Articles of Faith

Elder L. Tom Perry

I encourage you to use your bright minds to study and learn the Articles of Faith and the doctrines they teach. They are among the most important and certainly the most concise statements of doctrine in the Church. If you will use them as a guide to direct your studies of the gospel of Jesus Christ, you will find yourself prepared to declare your witness of the restored truth to the world. You will be able to declare in simple, straightforward, and profound ways the core beliefs you hold dear as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. (L. Tom Perry, “The Doctrines and Principles Contained in the Articles of Faith,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2013, 48)

  • What did you learn from this statement about the importance of studying and knowing the Articles of Faith?

Consider bearing your witness of any blessings you’ve noticed from studying the Articles of Faith and using them to declare the Savior’s gospel.

Learning the gospel of Jesus Christ with the Articles of Faith

handout iconThe following idea is one way to help students have a meaningful experience with the Articles of Faith. Consider distributing the handout titled “Articles of Faith Study Activity.” Give students time to complete the activities on the handout. Encourage them to pay attention to spiritual promptings or insights they receive from the Holy Ghost as they study. You may want to ensure that some students will focus on the first four articles of faith, which teach important foundational truths about Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and Their doctrine.

Make yourself available to assist students, but invite them to use the study skills they have learned at home, church, and seminary to complete the activities. If students finish the activity quickly, invite them to choose a different article of faith and repeat the process.

Articles of Faith Study Activity

Step 1: Select one of the Articles of Faith you would like to study today and answer the following questions:

  • What eternal truth or truths do you learn from this article of faith?

  • How can the teachings from this article of faith impact your relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ?

Step 2: Choose at least two of the following options to help you learn more about your chosen article of faith:

  1. Memorize. Think of an idea to help you memorize your article of faith and spend time memorizing it.

  2. Find related resources. Find related scriptures or statements from Church leaders that relate to the article of faith you chose. You could use tools such as the footnotes in your scriptures, the Topical Guide, the Guide to the Scriptures, or the search function on the Gospel Library app to help you.

  3. Create a visual representation. Use art to help you communicate or represent teachings from your chosen article of faith. Examples could include a drawing, collage, word cloud, or meme. (Due to the sacred nature of Deity, avoid drawing members of the Godhead.)

  4. Create a scenario. Think of situations you or other teenagers face, or gospel questions that your article of faith could help with. Write the scenario or questions and explain how or why the truths taught in the article of faith would help.

  5. Testify. Write your testimony of the truths taught in your article of faith. Describe how these teachings have blessed your life and brought you closer to God.

Share what you learned

Consider ways to help students share and present what they’ve learned. You could write numbers 1–13 on 13 small pieces of paper and place them in a hat. Draw one out at random and ask if any students who studied that article of faith would be willing to share. For a larger class, consider organizing students into pairs or small groups and inviting them to share with each other.

After the sharing, willing students could display their papers throughout the room for others to view.