For approximately 50 years, plural marriage was practiced by some members of the Church in response to a commandment from the Lord. In 1890, the Lord commanded President Wilford Woodruff (1807–98) to announce the end of plural marriage in the Church. This lesson can help students understand that the Lord directs His Church through continuing revelation to His prophets.
Possible Learning Activities
God reveals His will to His children
For the statements below, choose the option (know; believe; sort of believe; don’t know if) that best reflects how you would fill in the blank: “I this is true.”
God has revealed His will to His children through His prophets.
God iscurrently revealing His will to His children through His prophets.
God will yet reveal His will to His children through His prophets.
Read the introduction to Official Declaration 1, looking for what it teaches about the Saints’ practice of plural marriage.
What made it difficult for the Saints to continue practicing plural marriage?
After the Saints settled in Utah in the mid-1800s, many Church members openly practiced plural marriage. Government leaders eventually passed laws that made plural marriage illegal in the United States. These laws led to the arrest and imprisonment of many Latter-day Saint men. Others went into hiding to avoid being arrested (see Saints: The Story of the Church of Jesus Christ in the Latter Days, vol. 2, No Unhallowed Hand, 1846–1893 [2020], 142, 408–9, 518–20).
What do these paragraphs help you understand about how the Savior leads His Church?
How can knowing these truths bless or impact your life?
What can these truths teach you about the Savior and His desires for us?
Continuing revelation today
President Russell M. Nelson shared the following testimony:
I know for sure that the Lord directs the affairs of His Church. He said, “I will show [you] that I am able to do mine own work” [2 Nephi 27:21].
Often, my counselors and I have watched through tear-brimmed eyes as He has interceded in extremely challenging circumstances after we had done our best and could do no more. We do indeed stand all amazed. (Russell M. Nelson, “Welcome Message,” Liahona, May 2021, 6)
What evidence have you seen that the Lord continues to lead His Church through revelation to His prophets in our day?
How has the continuing revelation the Lord has provided through His prophets blessed your life?
Demonstrate understanding
Sofia is bothered by some of the changes she has seen in the Church. She wonders why some of the things the prophet asks us to do now are different than when she was younger.
What are some things you have learned today that could be helpful to share with Sofia?