“Lesson 169—Focusing on Jesus Christ in the Scriptures: Studying the Savior’s Names, Titles, and Attributes,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual (2025)
“Focusing on Jesus Christ in the Scriptures,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual
Lesson 169: Scripture Study Skills
Focusing on Jesus Christ in the Scriptures
Studying the Savior’s Names, Titles, and Attributes
One of the central purposes of the scriptures is to help us learn of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. The more we learn of Them, the more our faith in Them can grow. This lesson is intended to help you focus on the Savior while studying the scriptures, particularly the Doctrine and Covenants.
Possible Learning Activities
What do you see?
Consider doing the following activity or one of your own to introduce the scripture study skill of focusing on the Savior. To promote learner readiness, you could display the blurred version of the image for students to see as they arrive.
Look at the following blurry image and try to describe what you think is happening.
Next, look at the same image brought into focus.
As students examine the image of the Savior ministering to the people of ancient America, consider asking questions like the following. As students respond to your questions, let them know you value their insights and participation.
What details do you notice now that the image is in focus?
As you look at this image, what thoughts or feelings do you have about the Savior?
Consider sharing information like the following to help students better understand the objective for today.
The word focus can mean to make something clearer, to make it the center of interest, or to pay particular attention to it.
What are some ways we can strive to focus on the Savior as we study the scriptures?
Why might we want to focus on Him?
As you study this lesson, seek guidance from the Holy Ghost and look for reasons it may be a blessing for you to focus on the Savior in your scripture study. Ponder ways you can make Him the focus of your study.
Define: Identify names and titles of Jesus Christ
One skill that can help you focus on the Savior is looking for His many names and titles while studying the scriptures. These names and titles indicate the roles Heavenly Father has given Him.
Consider modeling this skill for students by using the following scripture passage or another of your choice. You might also display the image from the beginning of the lesson or another image of the Savior on the board. As different names and titles are identified throughout the lesson, students could be invited to write these around the image of the Savior on the board and explain why the name or title is meaningful to them.
Read Doctrine and Covenants 6:21 and look for one or more names or titles Jesus used to describe Himself.
What did you discover?
Possible answers to this question may include “Jesus Christ,” “the Son of God,” or “I am the light.” Students may be interested to know that the English titles “Christ” and “Messiah” come from Greek and Hebrew translations of “the anointed.” In ancient times, kings and priests who had special duties to perform were anointed with oil (see Guide to the Scriptures, “Anoint,” scriptures.ChurchofJesusChrist.org). Thus, the Savior, who performed the most significant duty of all, is “the anointed Prophet, Priest, King, and Deliverer” for all of God’s children (Guide to the Scriptures, “Messiah,” scriptures.ChurchofJesusChrist.org).
What can we learn about Jesus from these different names or titles?
Why is that title meaningful to you? In what ways can this understanding about Jesus Christ help you right now in your life?
For example, when we feel we need more light in our lives, we can remember the Savior is that light. He can guide us on our way to return to our Heavenly Father.
To help you ponder the significance of names and titles, watch the video “‘Nombre’—What Should We Name Him?” (1:47) located at ChurchofJesusChrist.org.
“Nombre” – What Should We Name Him?
Consider the needs of your students as you decide if they should do the following activity individually or in small groups. Additionally, students could share titles they found from their personal study that are meaningful to them.
Continue to practice identifying different names and titles of Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants. Some passages you study may contain more than one name or title. If you need help understanding the meaning of a name or title, consider resources like the Guide to the Scriptures or the Bible Dictionary, which are available at scriptures.ChurchofJesusChrist.org.
Read some or all of the following scripture passages and record any names or titles you discover in your study journal. Ponder what you can learn about Jesus from the name or title and how He can help you in your life.
After giving students time to study and ponder, invite them to share what they learned and felt from the activity. Look for ways to emphasize how the Savior’s names align with His efforts to help us.
Define: Look for the Savior’s divine attributes
The following is another way to focus on the Savior while studying the scriptures. If you have enough time in your lesson, you can model and invite students to practice this skill as well.
Another way to focus on the Savior while studying the scriptures is to look for His divine attributes. An attribute is a quality or trait that a person possesses or has developed, like honesty or kindness.
If needed, consider modeling with students how to identify an attribute of the Savior using one of the passages in the next section or a passage of your choosing. One way to approach the following activity is to write the passages from the Doctrine and Covenants on separate pieces of paper and place them in different locations throughout the room. Students could work in small groups to go to each piece of paper and search the passage for a divine attribute of the Savior.
Read some or all of the following passages and look for divine attributes of the Savior. Choose one attribute that is meaningful to you and briefly explain how recognizing that attribute in the Savior can help you love and trust Him more.
For example, students might identify Christ’s willingness to do the will of Heavenly Father in section 19. If students have been writing names and titles around an image of the Savior on the board, encourage them to write the attributes they discover as well. Look for ways to thank students for their participation and emphasize why we should love and trust the Savior.
Focus on the Savior in every section
Based on what you learned and practiced today, how can focusing on Jesus Christ make a difference in your scripture study?
Consider sharing your own testimony concerning the importance of focusing on the Savior when studying the scriptures. Invite students to focus on the Savior in every section of the Doctrine and Covenants.
In the next class, consider inviting students to share what they found in their personal or family study about the Savior. Look for opportunities in future lessons to encourage students to practice this skill in class.