Teachings of Church Leaders: Overview

“Teachings of Church Leaders: Overview,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual (2025)

“Teachings of Church Leaders,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual

Teachings of Church Leaders

Teachings of Church Leaders


The Lord often speaks to us through His servants (see Doctrine and Covenants 1:38). As we listen to and study messages from Church leaders, we can learn what the Savior wants us to know. These lessons can help students study the Lord’s messages given through His servants.

Prepare to teach

The following information provides you with ideas of what you may need to prepare in advance for each lesson.

Preparing for General Conference

Pacing suggestion: This lesson could be taught shortly before the April or October general conference.

Lesson purpose: To help students prepare to hear personal messages from the Savior in general conference.

  • Student preparation: You could invite students to talk with their families about what they could do to prepare for and participate in general conference.

  • Image: Picture of a family watching General Conference

  • Content to display: Self-assessment questions toward the beginning of the lesson.

  • Handout:Preparing for General Conference

Studying the Messages of the Lord’s Servants

Pacing suggestion: Consider teaching this lesson before the following lessons in this group. You could teach it near the beginning of the school year to introduce students to studying the messages of Church leaders.

Lesson purpose: To help students feel the importance of studying and applying the Lord’s messages given by His servants.

  • Student preparation: Invite students to come prepared to share a statement from a Church leader that is meaningful to them and explain why. This statement could be from a general conference address, a broadcast message, a social media post, or something similar.

  • Materials for students: A partial or complete message from general conference, from the Liahona or For the Strength of Youth magazine, or from a Church devotional or broadcast

  • Image to display: An image of the current First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

  • Video:Let Us All Press On” (6:01; watch from time code 1:17 to 1:58)

Template: Teachings of Church Leaders

Pacing suggestion: All lessons that use this template could be taught at any point in the school year or during any week in the Come, Follow Me pacing. However, if you have not used this template before, it may be helpful to teach the “Choice for Eternity” lesson below before preparing a new lesson on a message from a Church leader. The lesson provides a model for teaching about a message from a Church leader.

Lesson purpose: This template provides you with ideas to help students study messages from leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

  • Student preparation: Share with students the title of the message they will study in class. Encourage them to read, watch, or listen to the message before class. Invite them to prayerfully prepare for the Holy Ghost to teach them as they study messages of the servants of Jesus Christ.

“Choices for Eternity”

Lesson purpose: To provide an example of how teachers can use the “Template: Teachings of Church Leaders” to guide the class as they study these messages, and to deepen students’ understanding of principles to help them prepare for eternal life.
