Lesson 209—Studying the Messages of the Lord’s Servants: We Can Hear the Voice of the Savior through the Words of His Leaders

“Lesson 209—Studying the Messages of the Lord’s Servants: We Can Hear the Voice of the Savior through the Words of His Leaders,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual (2025)

“Studying the Messages of the Lord’s Servants,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual

Lesson 209: Teachings of Church Leaders

Studying the Messages of the Lord’s Servants

We Can Hear the Voice of the Savior through the Words of His Leaders

General Conference

This is an introductory lesson for a series of lessons that will be taught throughout the year using a message of a Church leader. These lessons will use the “Teachings of Church Leaders” template. This lesson can help students feel the importance of studying and applying the Lord’s messages given by His servants.

Student preparation: Invite students to come prepared to share a statement from a Church leader that is meaningful to them and explain why. This statement could be from a general conference address, broadcast message, social media post, or something similar.

Possible Learning Activities

The Savior’s servants share messages from Him

Display a current picture of the First Presidency and Quorum of Twelve Apostles. Invite students to discuss something these leaders have recently taught. Invite students to list some of the settings Church leaders use to share the Lord’s messages with us. Then invite students to answer the following questions with the class or in their study journals:

  • If someone were to observe your life, what would they see that reflects the importance you place on the words of the Lord’s servants?

Read Doctrine and Covenants 1:37–38, looking for what the Savior commands us to do with the words of His servants.

  • What do you think is important to remember from this passage?

  • What truths can you identify?

    Students may identify a truth similar to the following: The Lord commands us to search the words He speaks to us through His servants (Doctrine and Covenants 1:37–38).

  • How have you tried to search the words of the Lord’s servants as part of your regular gospel study?

At the conclusion of April 2018 general conference, President Russell M. Nelson extended the following invitation. Look for words or phrases that could help someone understand the importance of studying the messages of Church leaders.


Let Us All Press On

President Russell M. Nelson

I exhort you to study the messages of this conference frequently—even repeatedly—during the next six months. Conscientiously look for ways to incorporate these messages in your family home evenings, your gospel teaching, your conversations with family and friends, and even your discussions with those not of our faith. Many good people will respond to the truths taught in this conference when offered in love. And your desire to obey will be enhanced as you remember and reflect upon what you have felt these past two days. (Russell M. Nelson, “Let Us All Press On,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2018, 118)

  • What did you discover?

    Invite students to self-assess their current efforts to study the messages from Church leaders. They could think about how often they study or listen to messages from Church leaders and how their family may study such messages. Students can ponder whether they would like to give more emphasis to general conference messages as part of their gospel study.

  • What are some ways you incorporate the teachings of Church leaders into your gospel study?

  • How has the Lord blessed you for doing this?

Deepen your study

The next portion of the lesson is intended to give students an opportunity to practice studying the messages of a Church leader using ideas from the “Teachings of Church Leaders” template. This can prepare students to study the messages of Church leaders in future lessons.

The following ideas are adapted from the “Study the message” and “Deepen understanding” sections of the template. You may select other ideas from the template or provide similar options you create.

Select one of the following to help you practice studying a message from one of the Lord’s servants:

  • Write the words Jesus Christ in the middle of a page of your study journal. As you study the talk, look for words or phrases that teach about the character, attributes, and roles of Jesus Christ. Write what you learn and feel about Jesus Christ in your journal and how this could help you follow Him.

  • Identify the scriptures cited in the talk (or in the endnotes). Read the verses and note what they teach or help you understand about the topic. You could create a link between the verse and the talk in your Gospel Library or make a note in your scriptures.

  • Using what you learned in the talk, create a picture, drawing, poster, meme, social media post, or something similar that could serve as a reminder or inspire someone. Prepare to share what you created, explaining the message and how it could bless or inspire others.

To help students practice studying a message from Church leaders, provide a partial or complete talk from general conference, an article in the Liahona or For the Strength of Youth magazines, or Church devotionals and broadcasts. Provide students enough time to study using the idea they selected above.

You could walk around the classroom and help and encourage students as they practice. Following the activity, you might organize students into smaller groups to share the idea they selected, the skill they practiced, and the thoughts and feelings that came to them as they studied.

As time allows, you might invite students to practice another skill from the template using the same message or talk.

The importance of studying the words of the Lord’s servants

Invite students to select one of the following questions to discuss or answer in their study journals:

  • What have you learned or felt today that has helped you feel the importance of the Savior’s words given by His servants?

  • What do you want to remember as you continue to study the messages of the Lord’s servants?

  • How might you benefit from studying the messages from Church leaders as part of your regular gospel study?

Consider inviting students to plan how they will study the messages of the Lord’s servants as a part of their regular gospel study. You could share an experience you have had hearing the Lord’s voice as you have studied the messages of His leaders.