Lesson 174—“For the Strength of Youth” Guide: “Truth Will Make You Free”

“Lesson 174—For the Strength of Youth Guide: ‘Truth Will Make You Free,’” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual (2025)

For the Strength of Youth Guide,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual

Lesson 174: For the Strength of Youth

For the Strength of Youth Guide

“Truth Will Make You Free”


Heavenly Father loves and trusts the rising generation. He has provided prophetic guidance to help today’s youth develop faith in Jesus Christ and stay on the covenant path. This lesson can help students look to Jesus Christ when making decisions by using “For the Strength of Youth: A Guide for Making Choices.”

Possible Learning Activities

The first two sections of this lesson are designed to help students learn more about For the Strength of Youth: A Guide for Making Choices (2022) so they can better rely on Jesus Christ. The final section provides a learning activity focused on the section in the booklet titled “Truth Will Make You Free” on pages 30–33. Ideas to study additional topics from the guidebook are covered in other seminary teacher manuals. Decide which sections from this lesson and which topics from For the Strength of Youth will best meet the needs of your students.

Jesus Christ is the strength of youth

Consider writing the word strength on the board and inviting students to share who or what they think of when they see this word. Display an image of Jesus Christ, and discuss the following questions.

the Savior
  • Why is Jesus Christ a good example of strength? How did He display strength in all areas of His life?

  • What are some situations teenagers face in which the Savior’s strength could help them?

Read “Message from the First Presidency” on page 2 in For the Strength of Youth, looking for how you can receive strength.

  • What do you think it means that Jesus Christ is the “strength of youth”?

  • How have you received help and strength from Him?

Making inspired choices

Invite students to do the following activity in their study journals.

List some of the important choices or decisions you may need to make in the next 10 years. Determine which of these choices will have the most impact on the rest of your life.

Students could emphasize the decisions they feel will have the most impact on their lives by underlining them. For the next question, they could respond silently by drawing a smiley face, neutral face, or frown face in their journals to indicate how confident they are about making each decision.

  • How confident do you feel about making these choices?

  • What resources has Heavenly Father provided to help you make inspired choices?

Students could share how For the Strength of Youth has helped them make inspired choices.

Read the “Make Inspired Choices” section on pages 4–5 in For the Strength of Youth, looking for what can help you with the choices you have now and will have in the future.

Consider putting students into pairs to study this section. Assign one student in each pair to study the first three paragraphs and the other to study the last three paragraphs. Invite them to mark meaningful words and phrases and to share what they learned with their partner.

After students finish discussing in pairs, consider facilitating a class discussion by asking the following questions.

  • What did you find that can help you make inspired choices?

  • How does what you learned influence your feelings about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ?

Encourage students to regularly use the teachings and principles in For the Strength of Youth as they make decisions and strive to follow the Savior. Refer them to the graphic at the end of the “Make Inspired Choices” section on page 5, or display the following information to help them see how For the Strength of Youth is organized.

Each topic in For the Strength of Youth has three parts:

  1. Eternal truths, or doctrine of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ

  2. Invitations to act on those truths

  3. Promised blessings that the Lord offers those who live by His teachings

Invite students to ponder any current questions or challenges they might need help with, especially as they reflect on important choices they will make in the next few years. Give them time to study For the Strength of Youth, looking for eternal truths, invitations, and promised blessings that can help with their specific concerns. Encourage students to record insights and impressions as they study. When they finish, invite a few to share what they discovered, but remind them not to share anything too personal. The following questions could help.

  • What did you discover or find helpful as you studied?

  • How can the pattern of learning eternal truth, acting on inspired invitations, and remembering promised blessings help you receive strength from Jesus Christ to make inspired choices?

“Truth will make you free”

This portion of the lesson focuses on the “Truth Will Make You Free” section on pages 30–33 in For the Strength of Youth. You could teach it in conjunction with the other sections or on its own.

Write advantages and disadvantages on the board. Consider displaying a smartphone, laptop, or other device with internet and social media access. Ask students to describe advantages and disadvantages of using the internet and social media when searching for knowledge. Invite them to list on the board reliable sources they know of and to share why it’s important to use these sources when searching for truth.

Read John 8:31–32, looking for what Jesus taught about truth.

  • What did you learn?

  • How does truth help us be free?

    Consider organizing students into small groups. Distribute a piece of paper to each group. Invite them to think of a realistic scenario involving teenagers that relates to subjects in the “Truth Will Make You Free” section on pages 30–33. For example, the scenario could describe someone who doesn’t see the value of learning truth, someone who struggles to live with integrity, or someone who is scared about discussing their faith with others. After groups write out their scenario, invite them to trade papers with another group.

    Invite students to read paragraphs 1–4 of the section “Truth Will Make You Free” on page 31 and to identify a principle. They may identify a principle like the following: Learning and living by eternal truths helps us become more like Heavenly Father and find peace and happiness in this life.

  • How can learning and living by eternal truths help us become more like Heavenly Father? How can Jesus Christ help you in this process?

  • When have you or someone you know experienced peace and happiness from living the eternal truths of the Savior’s gospel?

    Ask students to write a response to the person in the scenario using the eternal truths, invitations, and promised blessings taught in the section “Truth Will Make You Free” on pages 30–33. Invite a few groups to share the scenario they received and how they used the information in For the Strength of Youth to help.

    To conclude, consider inviting students to respond to the following question in their journals.

  • What changes could you make in your life because of what you’ve learned and felt today?

As students studied “Truth Will Make You Free” on pages 30–33 or other sections in For the Strength of Youth, they may have felt the need to make some changes in their lives. Invite students to search the section “Jesus Christ Will Help You” on pages 6–9, looking for how they can receive strength from Jesus Christ to change.
