undefined undefined Assess Your Learning, Part 2
Assess Your Learning, Part 2

“Assess Your Learning, Part 2,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual (2025)

“Assess Your Learning,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual


Assess Your Learning, Part 2

Doctrine and Covenants 76; 84; 93; 110; 121–123

Taking time to recognize growth and spiritual development can strengthen our relationships with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and motivate us to stay on the covenant path. This lesson can help you evaluate your spiritual growth from your study of Doctrine and Covenants 76; 84; 93; 110; 121–123. Look for opportunities to share some of your responses with other students or with family members.

Note: Before completing this assessment, be sure to complete the required readings if you have not already: Doctrine and Covenants 76; 84; 93; 110; 121–123.

Appreciating growth and progress

youth walking
youth biking
youth running

Think about an exceptionally long or challenging run, hike, or bike ride.

  • What can you do to enjoy the journey?

  • How might we compare that kind of journey to the process of becoming more like Jesus Christ?

  • What are ways we can enjoy and appreciate the process of spiritual growth more?

  • How do you feel you are progressing and growing closer to the Lord?

  • How is the Lord helping you?

Explaining the three degrees of glory

Imagine you have a close friend named Olivia who is not a member of the Church but firmly believes in Jesus Christ. One day she approaches you and asks, “What do members of your Church believe about life after death? I’ve been taught that everyone will go to heaven or hell, but I heard that members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe in multiple heavens. What’s that all about?”

Spend a few minutes writing a response to Olivia that explains your understanding and knowledge of the three degrees of glory. If you would like, you can include drawings to help Olivia picture what you are explaining. Find someone and practice explaining your response to them as if they were Olivia.

Explain roles, titles, and characteristics of Jesus Christ

One of the Savior’s invitations in the Doctrine and Covenants is to “learn of [Him], and listen to [His] words” (Doctrine and Covenants 19:23). Prepare to share with someone else what you have learned about the Savior’s roles, titles, or characteristics by doing one of the following activities:

  • Compile a list of some of the roles, titles, or characteristics of Jesus Christ that you have recently studied in Doctrine and Covenants 76:1–7, 22–24; 93:1–10. Then choose one or more of them and answer the following questions: (1) What does this name, title, or characteristic teach you about Jesus Christ? (2) What does this name, title, or characteristic help you understand about how He can help you?

  • Create a visual representation of one or more of your favorite roles, titles, or characteristics of Jesus Christ. This could be a word cloud or a drawing. Include applicable scripture references as part of your creation.

  • Write a poem or song lyrics that include some of your favorite roles, titles, or characteristics of Jesus Christ.

  • Imagine you had the opportunity to teach someone about who Jesus Christ is and what He can do for us. Write a description at least one paragraph long that includes at least three of Christ’s roles, titles, or characteristics.

Share what you decided to do with a family member, a friend, or someone in your class.

Prepare to worship the Lord in the temple

In Doctrine and Covenants 110:5–10, you may have noticed how being worthy can help us feel close to the Lord in His temple.

Seek personal revelation to guide you as you answer one or more of the following questions in your study journal:

  • What sacrifices have you made or are you willing to make to prioritize worshipping the Lord in the temple?

  • What blessings have you received as you have reflected on the temple recommend questions?

  • What have you done to strive to be worthy to worship the Lord in the temple?

Think about how you have been blessed for your efforts. What will you continue doing or start doing to be better prepared to worship in His temple?

Feel increased trust in God during trials

From Doctrine and Covenants 121–122 we can learn important truths about trials.

  • What have you learned from these sections about trials?

  • Have these truths helped you feel differently about your trials? How so?

  • What have you learned about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ as you have experienced difficult times?

Write in your journal your feelings about how Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have supported you in your trials. Consider how your faith in Jesus Christ has been impacted because of what you have learned and experienced.