Assess Your Learning, Part 1

“Assess Your Learning, Part 1,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual (2025)

“Assess Your Learning,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual


Assess Your Learning, Part 1

Joseph Smith—History 1; Doctrine and Covenants 1–4, 8–10

Reflecting on and assessing our spiritual learning can help us draw closer to the Savior. This lesson can help you remember and evaluate how your experiences studying Doctrine and Covenants 1–4, 8–10 and Joseph Smith—History have helped you grow spiritually and come closer to Jesus Christ. Look for opportunities to share some of your responses with other students or with family members.

Note: Before completing this assessment, be sure to complete the required readings if you have not already: Joseph Smith—History 1; Doctrine and Covenants 1–4, 8–10.

What are you learning? How are you progressing?

Take a few minutes to write in your study journal about progress you have made to come closer to the Savior as you have studied Joseph Smith—History 1 and Doctrine and Covenants 1–4, 8–10. This can include doctrine and truths you are learning, ways your testimony of Jesus Christ is increasing, new habits you are forming, and ways you are striving to change.

Assess scripture study

Joseph Smith reading the Bible
  • How did scripture study help the Prophet Joseph Smith?

Reflect on your own goal of scripture study.

  • How is your effort affecting you?

  • What is one way you feel you have been successful in your scripture study?

  • What is a struggle you are having with your scripture study?

Assess how you feel about the Prophet Joseph Smith (see Joseph Smith—History 1)

Write as many things as you can think of that you have learned about the Prophet Joseph Smith in the past few weeks of seminary.

Underline or circle anything in your list that also refers to a way he has helped you draw closer to Jesus Christ.

Evaluate how strongly you believe the items you listed on a scale of 1 to 5 (1=not believing and 5=confidently believing). You may want to record experiences that have helped increase your belief that God called Joseph Smith to be a prophet to help us draw closer to Jesus Christ.

  • If someone struggles to believe that God called Joseph Smith to be a prophet, what might you suggest they do to gain or strengthen this belief?

Receiving personal revelation (Doctrine and Covenants 8)

mind and heart

Choose a few of the following statements, and complete them in your journal. Include any other thoughts and impressions you feel impressed to record.

  • The most important thing I have learned about revelation from Heavenly Father recently is …

  • A few things that I have recently tried to receive revelation about include …

  • Something that may have affected my ability to receive revelation was …

  • An experience I had recently that I don’t want to forget was …

  • I want to continue to increase my ability to receive revelation from God because …

  • To further increase my ability to receive revelation from God, I commit to …

Share something you recorded with a family member, a friend, or someone in your class.
