undefined undefined Chapter 24: Parents Should Teach Their Children: November 1831
Scripture Stories
Chapter 24: Parents Should Teach Their Children: November 1831

“Chapter 24: Parents Should Teach Their Children: November 1831,” Doctrine and Covenants Stories (2002), 93–95

“Chapter 24,” Doctrine and Covenants Stories, 93–95

Chapter 24


Parents Should Teach Their Children

November 1831

Joseph praying

Some elders in the Church wanted to know of the Lord’s will for them, so they went to the Prophet Joseph Smith.

Doctrine and Covenants 68, section heading

family reading scriptures

Joseph prayed for guidance. The Lord’s answer included important principles about how to be good parents.

parents teaching children

Parents should teach their children about Jesus and help them develop faith in Him.

mother comforting child

Parents should teach their children how to repent.

man baptizing woman

Jesus said children should be baptized when they are eight years old. Parents are to teach their children the gospel before they are baptized.

family praying together

Parents should teach their children about the gift of the Holy Ghost. Parents should also teach their children how to pray and how to listen to the Holy Ghost.

family reading together

Parents should teach their children to know and obey God’s commandments and to be good members of the Church.

happy family

Parents and children who follow Jesus’ teachings can have lasting happiness as a family.