undefined undefined Chapter 25: Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon Go on a Mission: December 1831–January 1832
Scripture Stories
Chapter 25: Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon Go on a Mission: December 1831–January 1832

“Chapter 25: Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon Go on a Mission: December 1831–January 1832,” Doctrine and Covenants Stories (2002), 96

“Chapter 25,” Doctrine and Covenants Stories, 96

Chapter 25


Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon Go on a Mission

December 1831–January 1832

members pointing at newspaper

Some people were printing lies about the Church in a newspaper. Jesus told Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon to go on a mission to other towns and tell people the truth about the Church.

Joseph and Sidney traveling during winter

Joseph and Sidney obeyed Jesus. They left their homes and went to many towns. They talked in church meetings and taught people in their homes.

Sidney Rigdon

Joseph and Sidney told people about God’s commandments. They testified of Jesus Christ and told the people to repent. When Joseph and Sidney finished their missions, they went home to their families.